Categories: Education

Easy Piano Sheet Music

Easy piano sheet music falls into two categories. Artificially easy piano sheet music made of skeletal melodies that once were complex piano music. Or genuinely easy piano sheet music which was composed as simple yet stunning pieces. The following 5 easy piano sheet music scores fall under the second category. They are easy piano sheet music because the composers wrote them that way. And yet they are famous not because they are easy, but because they are beautiful.

5 Best Easy Piano Sheet Music Scores: #1, Goldberg Variations

J.S. Bach’s Aria from the Goldberg Variations was featured in several movies like The English Patient and The Silence of the Lambs. The easy piano sheet music is deceptive in its simplicity. The combination of notes, and the weaving of the left and right hands, brings together a stunning melody. The best version can be downloaded for a fee from Music-Scores, where a midi file is also available to give you the opportunity to hear the piece before you begin playing it. You can also download a simpler, free version from Free-Scores.

5 Best Easy Piano Sheet Music Scores: #2, Claire de Lune

From French composer Claude Debussy comes perhaps one of the most famous simple melodies of our time. The easy piano music sheet flows so slowly that the piano player has all the time in the world to find his place. In fact, the slower the piece is played, the more sensuous it sounds. Download the free easy piano sheet music from Free-Scores, and listen to the midi file to familiarize yourself with the melody of Claire de Lune.

5 Best Easy Piano Sheet Music Scores: #3, Prelude in C Major

The Well-Tempered Clavier collection by Johann Sebastian Bach was written in the early 18th century. The first Prelude has been used to teach piano students ever since. It is one of the most beautiful easy piano sheet music scores out there. With very basic piano skills, you can master the easy sheet music. Download the easy piano sheet music from Music-Scores, and listen to the midi file to familiarize yourself with the melody. Or visit Wikipedia, and read about the history of the piece, while listening to the beautiful midi file at the end of the page.

5 Best Easy Piano Sheet Music Scores: #4, Ave Maria

Ave Maria by C. Gounod is based on Johann Sebastian Bach’s The Well-Tempered Clavier Prelude in C Major, mentioned above. And yet the two pieces are quite distinct, with this one being no less beautiful than the original. The easy piano sheet music is slow, allowing the piano player time to transition between notes at his ease. You may download this free easy piano sheet music from Free Sheet Piano Music. Though the version is not the exact original, it is close. And you may listen to the midi file as well, to become familiar with the piece.

5 Best Easy Piano Sheet Music Scores: #5, Rimsky-Korsakov

Song of India by Russian composer Rimsky-Korsakov is a languid, haunting melody. The easy piano sheet music is misleading. This piano music is beautiful and complex and as full of aroma and color as India herself. Though you can download a free version from Free-Scores, it is not the original version. And since the original score is an easy piano sheet music to follow, it is advisable to buy an original score. In addition, listen to this beautiful orchestral performance to familiarize yourself with the Song of India before you start playing the piano.

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