Categories: Pets

Easy Dog Training Tips for Beginners

If you are a novice at training a dog, take heart, it is just one-step at a time. There are a few things to consider when training your dog. First, you will want to have a lot of patience and the right training tools. With the help of these dog-training tips for beginners and the correct tools, you will be on your way to successfully training your dog.

Be Prepared

Before you even bring your bundle of joy home, you should be prepared. Make sure that you have the proper fencing in your yard; this will be a critical first step. You should have a place for him or her to sleep. Provide comfortable bedding to sleep on. A must have will be quality food, this is critical in the first 2 years, because your animal will be growing and will need all the proper nutrients.

Tools of the trade

You should always purchase your dog training tools with your animal in mind. For instance, you do not want to purchase a wide collar for a small dog or a flimsy collar for a larger breed. These items should include a leash, collar, choker or for larger breeds a Halti. When you go to choose these items, you should have the animal present. Most pet stores are very accommodating in this area. A sales associate can help you with sizing if needed.


If you have the chance, you should enroll in an obedience class; I recommend this for a couple of reasons. One, you will be socializing your dog with other animals and people. Two, this will give you confidence when it is time to train at home. Believe me this will not substitute for the necessary training that you will continue to do at home.

Avoid, Bad Behavior

You should always remember that the fun loving little puppy, you just brought home is going to grow up. Keeping this very important tip on your mind will save you a lot of heartache later. If you do not want your grown animal to lick your face, jump-up on you or the furniture, biting your hands and clothes, begging for food, etc. Then you should avoid allowing your puppy to do these things when he or she is small.

Crate Training

Crate Training can be a very effective way to house train a puppy or keep your dog from destroying things while you are away from home. The number one rule to crate training is not to crate your animal for long periods. Crate training is also a great way to give your animal a place to call their own, where they can feel secure.


When using basic dog training commands, you should consider what you are going to name that command. You should always use the same command for the desired result; for instance do not use “lay down” one time, then “down” another time or “come” one time, then “Rover Come” the next time. Consistency in this area is very important.


These dog-training tips for beginners will only be helpful if you are consistent in your everyday training. I have found this to be one of the most important rules to follow. Without consistency, your animal will be confused, scared, and in extreme situations may become aggressive.


Patience can be hard at times, but I have found that being patient will avoid many problems later in your training. When you have patience in basic dog training, your animal will respond in a positive way. If you find yourself getting frustrated it is always better to hang up the leash and come back to it later. You and your dog will have a better frame of mind when you resume your training.

House Training

This is a very important dog-training tip for beginners. You should house train your animal right from the beginning. You should not put this step off. When your animal has an accident in the house, it is a lot harder to break them later. I have found crate training can make house training less stressful on you and your animal.


You should maintain control of your animal in every training session. This will make your training go much quicker. When you do not have your dog on a leash, you have just lost control. In my early years, I would stand at the door and call my dog expecting him to come right away, when I had not fully trained him to come yet. Without knowing it, I had just trained him not to come on my command, because I had lost control and was unable to show him what I was asking him to do.

I hope these dog-training tips for beginners can save you a lot of time and energy. I know that when I was first starting out it could get very frustrating. Just remember, help is just a click away. You should know that we have all been there. It will get easier and the reward is well worth the effort. This life long companion will bring many happy memories and cherished moments. This is something that no one can take away from you. Relax and enjoy every moment you spend with your knew family member.

Source: Personal Experience

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