Categories: Parenting

Earth Day Recycling Projects

Just about anything out there in God’s Good Earth can be recycled or be a part of a recycled project. Earth Day is a good time to get focused on recycling projects. Some of the common everyday household items that can be recycled are as simple as the cardboard roll from your toilet paper, paper towels or aluminum foil to make a child’s telescope or other fun kids craft project. Milk cartons make good bird feeders, plastic bottles can be turned into lamps, old cds make wall hangings or sun-catchers, denim jeans can be turned into purses and tin cans can become candle-holders. In the great outdoors, leaves make good mulch for your garden and grass clipping, tree branches and weeds are great compost materials. I must admit it took me awhile to get on the recycling bandwagon, but once I finally did, I’m hooked. Here are some Earth Day recycled projects for kids as well as creative adults.

1. Milk carton bird-feeders:

Materials needed-scissors, glue, milk carton, spray paint(if desired).

Take a milk carton and cut an opening in its side. Fold the cutout portion and glue it to the upper side of the opening of the milk carton so it looks like a flap. Make sure the flap is still so it won’t fall on the heads of the birds. Spray paint with a bright colored paint if desired. once it’s done, fill with birdseed and prop it up where the birds can reach it. This makes a very good kids project for Earth Day.

2. CD Wall hanging:

Materials needed: old cds and venetian blind, glue, scissors, craft paint, buttons.

Take an old venetian blind and cut it to make flower petals. Paint the petals, 5 for each cd. Line up and glue 5 petals on each cd and put a button a the middle. This makes an adorable wall hanging for a little girls room.

Other Earth Day Projects you may want to consider using your old cds can be making mosaic tiles out of broken cd pieces, or candle holders for small pillars using the shiny side up.

3. Doggie Tote Bag:

Materials needed: Sturdy 50 lb. dog food bag, glue gun & glue sticks, scissors, recycled plastic bag for liner.

Cut straight across the top of the bag at the height you want for your tote bag. Fold over a 1/4″ hem and glue it down. Cut 2 strips, 3 ” wide, from the scraped part of the bag. Fold over the strips, lengthwise, and fold again. Glue along the edge of the strips to make handles. Decide where you want your handles on the bag and glue them in place. When glue is completely dry, put a plastic bag into your tote for protection from any dampness that could occur when using your tote bag.

Note: If you prefer sewing instead of the hot glue method for this project, you can do that also. If you do use the glue method, which I did to make mine, make sure you use enough glue so you won’t have problems with your bag coming apart.

4. Leaf mulch:

Materials needed: shredded leaves and mulch bin.

Put your shredded leaves into a mulch bin. They are ready to use as soon as they’re shredded. The mulch will not only serve as a weed suppressor in your gardens but also a barrier between the soil and the heat and the cold from which you want protection.

These is just the tip of the iceberg as to what recycling projects you can do for Earth Day. For more ideas on Earth Day recycling check out green as well as recycling as well as any number of other websites on recycling.

Sources: recycled crafts for
Earth Day
personal experience

Karla News

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