Categories: Parenting

Dr. Seuss Coloring Pages: Top Three Sites

Despite being dead, Dr. Seuss still lives on. Children read his books, and they more than likely have merchandise relating to several Seuss themes. To keep Dr. Seuss alive in your child and to cultivate your child’s love for reading, these Dr. Seuss coloring pages serve as a wonderful tool, as they can be used along with the stories to help him better understand what he is reading.

The first site where some of the absolute best Dr. Seuss coloring pages can be obtained from is in the family crafts section on the About site. This section on the About site directs you to a number of other sites that contain a number of Dr. Seuss crafts to print and cut out, decorations, worksheets to help your child to advance his reading skills, and have an immense amount of fun at the same time.

Another site where you are sure to find a great deal of Dr. Seuss coloring pages is Cartoon Critters. This site is so awesome in so many ways. One reason that this site is a total hit is that these pages can be colored online. This is a perfect way for your child to have fun learning, as well as putting toward the effort to keep our environment clean and save some trees. If you are one who is trying to lead a green life, you’ll absolutely love this site because your child will not have to have fun at the expense of the environment. Coloring online also helps your child to perfect his computer skills. He will learn how to navigate with the mouse and get from one thing to another on the screen. He will also learn how to select the things that he wants and will need to learn how to operate the computer in order to successfully color the pages online. What a wonderful thing this is to enable your child to learn two things at the same time-computer skills and reading skills. Another reason that this site is a huge hit is that the pages can be printed out and colored anywhere your child would like. This comes in handy if you need to run errands, and you do not want your child to become bored as a result of being dragged along. Cartoon critters is a site that meets the needs and desires of everyone who visits, and they also update their coloring inventory often. These reasons alone are good enough to want to visit the site on a continuous basis.

Finally, there is Activity Village, one of the largest sites on the Web that devotes itself to creating fun crafts and learning activities for children. Because of this, you are guaranteed to find a great deal of resources that will point you in the right direction of some spectacular Dr. Seuss coloring pages. This site really puts the fun in learning so much. Should your child struggle with reading or find it to be a massive and grueling chore, this site will certainly change this way of thinking. He will have a practically endless supply of Dr Seuss pictures to color that will go along with his reading lessons that he will look forward to reading and will want to read every single Dr. Seuss book in the series.

Karla News

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