Categories: Beauty

Don’t Flip It: Different Types of Wigs

Each year more and more people are looking for wigs, and more and more companies are providing wigs for those who need them. There are many places you can order a wig from even local hair salons. There are also different types of wigs, real hair and synthetic as well as monofilament and classic. Before committing yourself to a wig, you should know what it is and how it differs from the other wigs out there. You can’t fully know what you want for yourself unless you have all the information about it right? There are major differences in each depending on the type of wig you decide on.

Real Hair

Real hair is the most expensive form of a wig that you can get ranging into the thousands. You can do anything with this wig and it needs to always be styled. You can use a curling iron, hair dryer, straightening iron and styling products with these wigs. The hair is mostly donated by others, Locks of Love is the most famous organization, but the hair received from them goes to young children with cancer. Real hair wigs look and feel the most like your own and can be ordered in all hair colors.


There are two major types of synthetic wigs, mono-filament and classic. Both of these wigs are good wigs, but the texture and look of both are very different. Synthetic wigs cannot be around intense heat, so you cannot use curling irons, hair dryers and the such with these wigs. You also need to watch when you are near an oven or dish washer because you could singe your wig. Synthetic wigs are already styled so you don’t have to style them each day the way you would real hair wigs.

Mono-filament: This wig is a bit expensive ranging from a hundred dollars and up, but the price you pay is well worth it for the quality you are getting. The way the wig is made it looks as though it is your own hair growing from your scalp. The netting on the scalp is also a little softer and eases the itchiness, but it still feels itchy. When it comes to synthetic wigs the mono-filaments look the most like real hair.

Classic: This type of wig is priced moderately and is the less expensive of all the wigs. It does look and feel very different from the other types, but it does look like your own hair. It doesn’t look as though it’s growing from your scalp, but it still looks real. There are some styles that do look rather fake, but when you see one; you don’t have to buy it.

When the time comes when a person needs a wig, they want it to look the best and as if it’s their own hair. There are different types of wigs that make wearing a wig all the more easier. Most salons work with customers to pick out the best color, style, and type of wig for them.

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