Categories: Parenting

Does Your Child’s Preschool Use Lesson Plans?

Preschool teachers do crucial work each day. It isn’t simply babysitting. Children begin learning as soon as they’re born and the first years are the most important for brain development. I have a master’s degree in early childhood education and have worked with children, parents and teachers for decades.

Why lesson plans are important

Preschool lesson plans help teachers ensure they are meeting the needs of each child in the class. People are often shocked when I talk about lesson plans for preschool, but all high quality programs should have them in place.

Lesson plans are crucial for staying organized and ensuring class time is used appropriately. Unstructured blocks of time lead to chaos, confusion and behavior problems. They also help make sure the appropriate skills are being taught in a developmentally appropriate way that benefits each child in the class.

What lesson plans should entail

Preschool learning should focus on play and lesson plans should reflect that. I like to use theme units. For example, we might build igloos out of Styrofoam in the block center, float colored ice in water at the sensory table, watch it melt in the science area and read about the North Pole in circle time.

There are several packaged preschool curriculum on the market that make creating and following lesson plans simple. Creative Curriculum, HighScope and Beyond Centers and Circle Time are a few of my favorites. There are also many websites that offer lesson plan building tools.

Does your child’s preschool use lesson plans?

When I tell people I work with preschoolers, they often say, “Oh, so you aren’t a real teacher then.” Preschool teachers are definitely “real” teachers and lesson plans are one way to proof the professionalism, research, evaluation and planning involved in teaching this age group.

Ask to see the lesson plan for your child’s classroom. If there isn’t one, ask how the day is structured and how they know if goals are being met. If you don’t get clear answers, it may be time to look for a different program.

Karla News

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