Categories: Opinion and Editorial

Dating in 2007: Why Do Relationships Go Stale?

Don’t you hate when you wake up in the morning, go through all your daily routines, pour yourself a nice bowl of cereal and there is no milk. You go to make a cup of coffee and you remember you forgot to get it the night before. Or you go to get a bagel and you see that it has went stale before you even got a chance to eat it. All these scenarios are a real hassle but you just go to the store and get the needed item. Maybe that’s how we should treat relationships.

Everybody hits a point where relationships become mundane and boring. You come home after work and have nothing to do. You call friends and family to see what they are up too. You get on the internet for a couple of hours and even that come become irritating. In some cases, even the sex gets lethargic. You have books out there of how to spice up your relationship, how to please you man or woman and how to communicate. But time is time and the more you do something the more routine it becomes.

I went to the grocery store a couple of nights ago and I had a thought. Maybe if I treated my relationship as something that if i didn’t maintain a certain way that it would eventually be a perishable item. Instead of getting a new woman, I change up the status quo of my relationship. My girlfriend wants to change her hairstyle. I ‘m for it because that changes a visual dynamic within our home. We role play sometimes. It’s interesting to come and never know who is going to be there. We even have been more open to each other about our feelings. We have a day where we just let each other know certain things that are bothering us or new things we want to try. We are in a sense going back to the grocery store of Love, if you will, to buy fresh, new ideas of our relationships.

So now, I advocate the dating principle. No matter how long you have been dating, even if you are married, continue to date each other like the first three months. When you first met your partner, most had their best face on. You just wanted to spend time with that person. You would get flowers, candy and cards for no reason. You did things just to be closer. Keep that mindset and that attitude. Go out for a movie and dinner. Take them to the beach or their favorite place. Buy them their favorite TV show on DVD. Never get to a point in yourself where you say I don’t have to do that anymore. Moldy bread can be eaten but you go and get a new loaf when u need it. Think about that.

Karla News

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