Categories: Education

College & Career Options for Nature Lovers

You love nature, and the thought of spending the rest of your life indoors, in an office, or behind the walls of a cubicle makes you cringe. Don’t worry, there are plenty of career opportunities which will allow you to enjoy nature. Some involve using your knowledge of the natural world, others involve working outdoors. If either of these appeal to you, then consider some of the jobs recommended by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Landscape architecture is an excellent career field. It is also possible to major in landscape architecture. Schools, churches, playgrounds, clubs, community ball fields, corporations almost all require landscape technicians now. Who is behind the planning of the work done by the technicians? The landscape architect.

Landscape architects are required to gather information about the field in which they are too work. They must analyze, plan, and design the space use for maximum capacity and comfort. Landscape architects now have powerful computer programs to assist them in their work. But they have to be more than analysts and computer gurus. Landscape architects must have good interpersonal skills in order to understand their client’s needs, and explain their vision and ideas to their client.

Most states require landscape architects to have a license. This may be obtained after studying landscape architecture, or some closely related field in college. Students who plan to work in landscape design and implementation should consider studying biology, and/or botany in the course of their curriculum. The knowledge of plant life and growth will help you be a better designer, and make your job even easier.

Landscape architects spend a lot of their hours in the office, although they do often have to visit the field. The best news is that this field is growing and currently, the need exceeds the number of trained architects. Landscape architects may plan on making anywhere from $40,000 to $90,000 per year. About 25% of all landscape designers run their own business.

One outdoor career is literally a part of American heritage, that is farming. The use of high tech machines has made farmers in America some of the most productive in the world. Farming is an extremely diverse field, with specialties in many areas. When you think of farming, you think of cows, corn, and pigs. Today, however, livestock includes bison and fish (known as aquaculture). Many farmers grew up on a farm, and instinctively move into the family business. However, if you would like to become a farmer classes in biology, horticulture, and other life sciences will prove beneficial to you.

Farm managers make from just under $400 a week to approximately $800. Some farmers are lucky enough to bring in around $1000 per week. Most farmers are self employed, and the results of their efforts depend on the cooperation of the weather. Drought, or unusually long winters can severely hurt the farming industry. The industry itself is expected to shrink. There are lower projection for farming and agricultural jobs than any other job in the near future. The reason is that smaller farms are being purchased and combined into huge corporate operations. They are run by corporations, and the people in the field become general laborers.

If you are interested in farming, and can’t develop an interest in any other area, consider doing research to help make farming, and food production more efficient, and eco-friendly. Jobs like this are available in private corporations, universities, and in the government. Technically, you would be working in the field of agriculture and food science. This type of work requires at least a master’s degree, and usually a doctorate in order to be able to perform research. The results of your efforts may be very fulfilling, and could potentially effect the world’s food supply. The average pay in this field is $36,000 to $72,000. Some make significantly less, and others make significantly more. Emerging areas of biotechnology are creating more jobs in this field. At this point, it seems to be a better career choice than becoming an independent farmer.

A good choice for people who love the outdoors and animals is to become a veterinarian. This, too, is becoming an increasingly complex science with various degrees of specialization. Veterinarians perform the same services for animals that doctors perform for people, including tending to them when they are sick, performing x-rays, performing surgery, and a myriad of other tasks. The bottom line for a veterinarian is to take care of sick and wounded animals. Veterinarians go to college an additional 4 years, but in exchange for their education and efforts their salaries are quite good. Veterinarians make between $50,000 and almost $90,000, with a few even going over the $100,000 mark.

If you aren’t interested in the additional 4 years of college, you may consider being a vet technician or a groomer. People are increasingly willing to pay more for the nurture and care of their pets. There are pet massage therapists and even pet day-schools.

Other fields that may interest those who enjoy being outdoors include: conservation scientists, Forrester’s, geoscientists, urban engineers, and surveyors. Be sure to check the Occupational Outlook Handbook for additional jobs, salary, and education information.


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