Categories: Fertility & Pregnancy

Breast Milk and Fenugreek – Can Fenugreek Increase Breast Milk Supply?

Experts agree that breastfeeding is the best nourishment for your baby, but what if your breast milk supply is too low to nourish your child? Fenugreek is often used as a medicine to increase breast milk supply in mothers who have this problem and many say it is extremely effective, but this herb can have severe side effects on women with certain health problems. Here is a brief checklist on what you need to know when considering fenugreek to increase your breast milk supply.

Does Fenugreek increase breast milk supply? – What is Fenugreek?
Fenugreek is an herb (trigonella foenum-graecum L) grown in India, North Africa and South America. The dried ripe seed of the plant, contains an chemical called diosigenin which is said to increase milk production. Breastfeeding mothers can take fenugreek as a ground seed in capsule form or in a tea.

Does Fenugreek increase breast milk supply?– How do you take Fenugreek?
Most women report that fenugreek tea is weaker than in capsule form. Doses of 580-610mg (2-3 capsules) are taken 3 times a day and results should be noticed in the first three days. Once the mother can regularly breastfeed or pump, the fenugreek treatment can be discontinued.

Fenugreek capsules can be found on line, or at natural food stores and health stores. A bottle of 100 capsules should cost approximately 6 to 8 dollars.

Even though this herb has been used for centuries to increase milk supply, there are mothers who report no improvement when taking this product, and there is no clinical research that supports the use of this herb to increase milk production.

Does Fenugreek increase breast milk supply?– What are the side effects of Fenugreek?
The FDA considers fenugreek as safe, but recommends that it should never be used by pregnant mothers. The most common side effect associated with fenugreek is a maple syrup odor in the mother’s or baby’s sweat, but there are also more severe side effects to consider.

While taking too little of this herb is ineffective, mothers who exceed the recommended dose may experience diarrhea. Diabetic or asthmatic mothers should always consult their health care provider as fenugreek can lower your blood sugar and may cause an allergic reaction in women with a history of asthma.

Mothers who are allergic to this herb may also have mild to more severe cases of diarrhea. If you are considering taking fenugreek to increase your milk supply you should always consult your doctor, especially if you have a history of asthma or diabetes.

Does Fenugreek increase breast milk supply? – Safety first
Herbs will not solve all milk supply problems and you should always consult your doctor before taking any herbal remedy – especially if you are breastfeeding.

When buying the product always go for brand name herbal preparations with labels showing capsule strength, expiration dates and all the ingredients combined with your chosen herb. Always steer clear from products with a shady packing.

Even if your doctor gives you a green light for fenugreek, stick to the recommended dosage and always watch out for any side effects to this herbal remedy. Stop taking this product immediately if you notice diarrhea or an aggravation in asthmatic or diabetic conditions.


Fenugreek – a herb to increase milk supply www

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