Categories: Movies

Blu-ray Review: “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2”

I am one of very few men in the world who actually find “The Twilight Saga” to be watchable. Most are dragged to the theater or plopped down on the couch at home against their will while their girlfriends or wives view them. My experience is the exact opposite. My wife hates the films and I’m forced to see them either alone or with my son amongst a sea of teens and their mothers whooping over Jacob or Edward.

Sometimes it can be hard to evaluate a film accurately sitting at a midnight screening surrounded by fanatics of the franchise. Surpisingly, my opinion of “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2” didn’t change much between seeing it in the theater and in a home entertainment environment. I would say it’s by far my second favorite of the movies right behind “Eclipse.”

“The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2” picks up with Bella awakening as a vampire and trying to control her powers and thirst. Edward and Bella’s child, Renesmee, is growing at an incredible speed. This makes the Volturi nervous, which in turn causes Aro to investigate the child and decide if she poses a danger to the existence of vampires.

Meanwhile, the Cullens travel the globe and gather witnesses to prove to the Volturi that Renesmee isn’t a threat to the vampire’s way of life and anonymity. When the Volturi travel to Forks to confront the Cullens, Jacob and his werewolf friends join Bella and her new family in what could be a battle to the death for many.

Director Bill Condon does a good job with pacing for “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2.” Although most of the real action doesn’t come to the very end, he keeps things interesting through international travels and the suspense of what the Volturi are going to do to rid themselves of Renesmee and the Cullens.

I do have a couple complaints about the movie. The CGI is less than spectacular. Most sequences with CGI are overly glossy and way too noticeable. Renesmee as a baby is a perfect example of this problem. Edward and Bella’s run through the woods tests the limits of the movie’s budget for more green screen work as well.

Some of the acting comes across as a bit awkward and over-dramatic at times as well. However, it fits with the soap opera-like tone of the movie. Let’s just say it will find a nice home on the Lifetime Movie Network a few years from now after FX is done with it.

Special features for the Blu-ray version of “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2” kick off with audio commentary by Director Bill Condon. Twi-hards will be happy to know there is an in-depth one and a half hour documentary on the making of the film entitled “Forever Filming ‘The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2.” There’s also a six minute featurette about shooting two films at one time entitled “Two Movies at Once.” Green Day’s video for “The Forgotten” is included as well.

The audio and video high definition transfers are picture perfect. At times, this works against it as it exposes the limitations of the CGI work. It’s much easier to cover some of those flaws up on the big screen. The dialogue, special effects, musical score, and soundtrack all use the full extent of the 7.1 surround sound mix to their advantage.

“The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2” is a fitting end for the franchise. It ties everything up quite nicely while not completely shutting out the possibility of another movie at some point. A rather smart twist in its third act elevates this movie above the rest of the entries in the series. Although I do have to say that as a whole, “Eclipse” is still my favorite with this coming in at a close second.

“The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2” is available now on Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital Download.

For more articles by Eric Shirey, check out:

Blu-ray Review: ‘Twilight: Breaking Dawn – Part 1’ Special Edition
‘Twilight’s’ BooBoo Stewart Discusses Character, Future Projects
Actor Guri Weinberg Talks ‘Twilight’ at Dallas Convention

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