Categories: Parenting

Birthday Party Games that are Fun for Kids and Adults!

It takes more than cake and ice cream to make a birthday party something to remember. Playing games makes your party more fun and is a great way for every one to get acquainted. Games should be age appropriate so that everyone can participate. This article will feature games for toddlers, children, and adults.

Alligator- This easy birthday party game for toddlers will keep them from getting bored. Spread socks all over the room. The object of the game is to get to the other side without touching any of the socks. (alligators). Make sure each child gets a gift for participating.

Toy Walk- Toddlers enjoy playing this game. Make some circles and squares on the floor and mark them with numbers or animals, as some kids cannot recognize numbers. Play the music and let all the kids walk over the images until the music stops. Now pick a number or animal from the box and present a gift to the child standing on that number or animal. Make sure each child gets a gift for participating.

Advanced Musical Chairs- This fun variation of musical chairs is set up just like the traditional musical chairs, but with a fun addition thrown in. Start the music and have the children walk in a circle around the chairs until the music stops. When the music stops, each participant tries to sit in one of the chairs. The player left standing must pull the name of an animal, written on a piece of paper out of a hat. That player then acts it out, and the other guests try to guess which animal it is. Keep playing until all animals in the hat have been acted out.

Bubble Gum Game- This game can be played as a relay race or based on individual times. Split guests into teams of 3-5 people. Get some paper plates, bubble gum, and whipped cream. (in a can) Put a piece of bubble gum on the plate and swirl the whipped cream over it until the bubble gum is completely covered. Guests must dig through the whipped cream and find the bubble gum. Players must keep their hands behind their back and dig through the whipped cream with their faces! Once they find the gum, they must chew it and then blow a good sized bubble. The person who blows a bubble first is the winner. This is a messy game, so you may want to have a towel or bib handy.

Balloon Popping Contest- Who doesn’t love popping a balloon? Divide guests into two equal groups. About 25 yards away, place two bags of inflated balloons in colors that match your party theme. Over-inflate the balloons to make popping easier. At the sound of a ringing bell, the first two contestants, one from each team, run to the bag and remove one balloon. Each must sit on it until it pops. Once the balloon pops, the players run back to the starting line, and tag the next player in line. The first team to complete the course wins. This noisy game is suitable for adults or families.

Play these games at your next birthday party, or think up some of your own. Just keep it simple and make sure everyone is having fun.


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