Categories: Television

Big Brother 12: Recap of Episode 2

Big Brother 12 started on July 8 this year. The second episode aired on July 11. This season, 13 people are locked inside the Big Brother House to participate in a completion to win $500,000. In a series first, one player will play the game not to win $500,000 but to wreak havoc ad sabotage the other players. You can learn more about each house guest by reading their bios here. If you missed the first episode check you the link below, read on for a recap of the second episode.

Big Brother 12: recap of episode 1 and video link

Big Brother 12 episode 2 started with a flashback to the previous show. A reminder of the saboteur was shown as well as the house guests responses. Speculations are given as to who the saboteur is! Who do you think?

HOH Room

Hayden is excited to see his HOH room. He enjoys the super contemporary feel of it and is weighing the advantages and disadvantages of being the HOH this week. Rachel loves the kid pictures of Hayden. Meanwhile in the backyard, Brendon is revealing his true intelligence and occupation to Rachel and Annie. Sparks begin to fly between Brendon and Rachel…meanwhile Annie is feeling awkward but is gaining lots of knowledge to potentially be used later. Back in the HOH room is Hayden, Monet, Enzo, Matt Kathy, and Lane are speculating who the Saboteur may be. Kathy feels it is a girl and a very likeable girl. Hayden is back to thinking who he is going to nominate for eviction this week.

A Secret Revealed

Annie approaches Ragen about talking with him. The go into the cabana room together where Annie shares with Ragen she has a girlfriend. She felt she could trust him with this information due to him being open about his sexual orientation. Ragen reports feeling honored that Annie opened up to him with that information.

A Romance in the Making

Outside, Brendon and Rachel continue bonding over their love of science and each others bodies. This time they have moved into the hot tub from the hammock. Brendon is appearing smitten. Hayden takes notice of the showmance in the making and a potential alliance between the two of them.

The Brigade is Formed

Hayden and Enzo are chatting and making an alliance. Enzo gets Hayden on board and then they approach Matt about being the brains of the operation. Matt decides the alliance is good and quickly joins and trusts them. He decides the alliance is the strongest in Big Brother history. Lane is the next to be approached for the alliance as the “beast” role. Enzo gives everyone nicknames and they name the alliance the Brigade. Lane reports he doesn’t even know what a brigade is! The talk quickly changes to who should be nominated for eviction this week. The brigade decides on nominating Brendon and Rachel because of their quick romantic bond and alliance formed.

Have Not Competition

The house guests are divided into 3 groups of four. Andrew reports this competition is more important to him then the HOH competition due to slop not being kosher. The house guests enter the backyard to see mounds of popcorn and a pool full of caramel. The contentests were required to jump into the caramel, under the straw and jump into the giant tub of popcorn will they will look for the missing teeth. Once a tooth is found the house guest needs to go back through the maze. Monet, Matt and Brendon are the first to jump in. Brendon quickly lost his shorts in the caramel but doesn’t even hesitate to complete his portion of the competition. Monet reports the caramel is a lot harder to crawl through then it looks. Matt finds the first tooth to put the blue team in the lead. Brendon finds the next tooth with Monet quickly behind to tie the game. Enzo compares the caramel to the Jersey Bay.

Annie finds the second tooth for the green team. Enzo quickly finds the second tooth for the pink team. Kathy is still trying to find a tooth. Kristen finds a tooth for the green team while Kathy finally finds a tooth for the blue team. Andrew is feeling the pressure from Kathy taking so long to find a tooth. Ragen finds a tooth quickly! Green team is winning, then the blue team and lastly the pink team. The pink team quickly closes the gap when they find several teeth quickly. Kathy gets stuck on her way back with her tooth. She is literally laying in the caramel unable to move. Enzo finds an extra tooth and hides it for Brittany when she crosses. Rachel and Ragen are quickly getting frustrated with Kathy’s lack of effort. The green team wins first place! Lane is determined not to be on slop this week and finds the remaining tooth for the pink team.

Matt, Rachel, Ragen and Kathy are the have nots for the week. The house guests check out the have nots room, “the lake dock from hell,” with jars of bugs and chaise lounge chairs for beds. Kathy apologizes to her teammates with a chuckle in her voice. Kathy is explaining to Brittany why she had such an easy time during the competition and how Brittany was the worse competitor.

The Saboteur Strikes

Moring comes and the saboteur has struck again. This time the saboteur places tape over Kathy and Brittany’s faces on the board. Andrew is the one who discovers it and points it out to Hayden who then suspects Andrew is the saboteur. Kathy reports she was worried when she saw her picture crossed out. Brittany reports the strike makes her mad because it’s going to make people start to talk and she doesn’t feel she has done anything wrong. The Saboteur makes an announcement to make sure they watch who they trust because the smallest competitor could be the fiercest competition. Brittany reports she feels she may ne nominated because of the Saboteur act so she approaches Hayden about it. Hayden assures her she is safe and gives him the advice to put up Brendon and Kathy and to target Kathy.

The Nomination Ceremony

Hayden announces it’s time for the nomination ceremony. All the house guests gather around the table. Andrew is safe because he sat out of the HOH competition. Hayden pulls Annie’s key who pulls Ragen’s key who pulls Enzo’s key who pulls Kristen’s key who pulls Brittany’s key who pulls Matt’s key who pulls Monet’s key who pulls Kathy’s key who pulls Lane’s key. Brendon and Rachel were nominated for eviction. Brendon is nominated because of not knowing where he was during the blackouts and Rachel because she didn’t make an attempt to bond with him. Rachel is shocked to be nominated. Brendon feels Hayden made a huge mistake because he will be going after Hayden now.

Watch the full episode of Big Brother 12 here.

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