Categories: Opinion and Editorial

Beyonce Knowles Quotes on Life and Love

American pop icon Beyonce Knowles knows success beyond measure as a pop star, singer, song writer, and actress. The “Golden Child” of former pop singing group “Destiny’s Child,” Beyonce continues to capture the public eye. Her romantic songs, sultry voice, and sexy moves keep her in the spotlight.

Would it surprise you to know that her insight isn’t nearly as keen as her place in the spotlight? This isn’t to say she is not a good person. Obviously, she is quite talented. She is young, and her public comments reflect the current popular culture. Most of them aren’t memorable, but maybe they will give readers a little more insight on Beyonce Knowles.

Based on what she has said, I doubt Beyonce would mind our examination of her comments. Beyonce once said, “I really don’t like people that aren’t real people around me at all. I don’t like people that are ‘yes’ people. I don’t like people that tell me what they think I want to hear.”

A lot of what Beyonce has to say is about life and love.

!. “There’s definitely a dangerous feeling when you are in love— it’s giving your heart to someone else and knowing that they have control over your feelings. I know for me, who always tries to be so tough, that’s the dangerous thing.” I disagree with with the way this is stated. If I understand her sentiment, I don’t disagree. It is just a matter of semantics. However, the truth is there is no fear in love. Perfect love casts away fear. This comment doesn’t set a good example for young ladies. Beyonce said someone else has control over your feelings when you are in love. No, that is not true. No one can make you feel anything. I think the point of Beyonce’s comment is found in the word “control.” True love does mean giving up control, and it doesn’t sound like she trusts anyone enough, yet, to do that. That is the source of the sense of danger, or fear. It isn’t dangerous to feel in love. It is dangerous, to risk sharing your life and heart with someone because you may be hurt.

2. “If he invited you out, he’s got to pay.” There’s a very traditional value. Good for you, Beyonce. It isn’t a matter of who has the most money. It is a matter of courtesy. I think she is wise to feel that way. This will keep her from suffering the same fate as some stars, like Anna Nicole Smith, who become surrounded by people who want to use them for their money and fame. This also goes back to the initial quote, about not wanting people who aren’t real around her. These quotes sound protective, but what choice does she have in a world of people willing and eager to take advantage of someone of her stature?

3. Speaking further of men, Beyonce has said, “When you really don’t like a guy, they’re all over you, and as soon as you act like you like them, they are no longer interested.” If all they want is to be “all over you” the man isn’t interested in you in the first place. If a man treats you like that, he is either toying with you, or after one thing. This is where you have to draw the line between lust, like, and love.

4. As to why Beyonce likes to sing about love, “Love is something that never goes out of style. It’s something everybody experience, and if they are not in love, people usually want to feel that. So, [the songs] are very romantic.” Love is a part of everyone’s life. As long as she sings with such broad appeal she shouldn’t have trouble growing her audience.

5. Of her album Dangerously in Love, Beyonce has this to say, ” It’s basically all of the steps in a relationship from when you first meet a guy to realizing you’re interested to dancing with him the first night, to thinking that your’s in love, to realizing that you are now open to making love, to breaking up, to having to love yourself after the breakup. All of that . A celebration of love. “ This goes back to the earlier comments she made about love. I’m not sure Beyonce has found the definition of true love, that last a lifetime. The kind of love to which she refers I would consider more lust, and like, than love. Still, she reelects pop culture’s thoughts on love. She has made the valid point that in our society, this is basically how love goes. I just wonder how much her influence in song encourages other young girls to look at love in this manner. It can cause so much hurt, and loss of integrity in giving yourself away to someone who doesn’t really love you.

5. The whole idea of love, relationships, and sex pops up frequently when Beyonce sings, speaks, or is interviewed. One quote Beyonce I found surprising, was, “The more successful I become, the more I need a man.” If femi-Nazis get wind of that phrase they will chew her up. I don’t want to be too hard on her for saying it. She could be saying she needs the protection from the fans and the paparazzi. She may also realize that the more of a star she becomes, the less close friends she will have.

For all we know, these quotes could be sound bites to feed the media as she releases new albums and singles. They may reflect the public persona that Beyonce feels is her trademark. No one knows what is inside her head. I hope that someday, someone comes along and shows her what true love really means. If that time comes, will we see a change in the mood and tone of her music?

I think some fans wouldn’t care. She has the voice, the body, and the stage persona to capture a crowd wherever she goes.


Karla News

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