Categories: Diseases & Conditions

Bedwetting: An Embarrassing Problem and the Homeopathic Remedy

Bedwetting or enuresis is a disorder in children in which they urinate involuntarily while asleep. The cause may be infection of worms, intake of excessive quantity of fluids and disagreeable food. The fact is that the cause is not always definite, and strictly speaking, a professional homeopath needs to be consulted.

Psychological reasons may also trigger the ailment. Stress, fear or other such negative emotions of the mind can bring about involuntary bedwetting. A weakness of the bladder so that it lacks the power to control urine may stem from some irritable condition of the bladder, such that the accumulation of even a small quantity of urine can stimulate its contraction.

For children up to the age of three and a half years, the habit of bedwetting is not alarming but normal. However, medical help needs to be given to a child who continues this practice even after the age of four years.

Precautionary measures that need to be taken:

– The first and foremost step that is to be taken is to look after the psychological well-being of the child.
– They should not be rebuked for bedwetting, because it is not their fault. They should not be made to feel embarrassed by mentioning the habit in presence of friends and relatives. Discord between the parents may lead to anxiety which can bring about consequences like bedwetting.
– The child who suffers from this disorder should not be given milk to drink at bedtime. It should better be given in the evening, preferably with fdried dates, if available, in boiled milk.
– Make sure that the child does not take in fluids or warm drinks from two hours before the time to sleep.

Medicines that are helpful include the following:

Cina 30 is to be given in the event that the child has the habit of digging the nose repeatedly, along with itching sensation at the anus, and suffers from white patches on the face, and grinds teeth while sleeping, he or she might have worms. Bedwetting can occur due to the presence of worms. The remedy needs to be given three times a day for six days.

Causticum 200, in a dose of once every week for three weeks, is indicated for bedwetting during the first hours of sleep.

Sepia officinalis 200 is to be used if the child wets the bed soon after going to sleep. The dose is once weekly for three weeks.

Equisetum hyemale 30 is the remedy for bedwetting resulting from psychological distress. The medicine should be continued three times a day for seven days.

Verbascum thapsus 30 needs to be given thrice daily for seven days if the child complains of burning sensation in the urine along with bedwetting.

Kreosotum 30 needs to be administered in the cases that the child dream of urinating and ends up wetting the bed.

Calcarea carbonica 200 must be given once a week for three weeks if the child that suffers from this illness also harbors habits of eating lime, chalk, earth and the like.

To conclude, homeopathic medicines like Cina, Sepia, Causticum, Equisetum, Verbascum, Kreosotum and Calcarea carb are effective in treating the disorder, when selected as per the particular symptoms displayed.

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