Categories: Movies

Bart Kwan and Joe Jo on Just Kidding Films

Today’s Interview is with JustKiddingFilms. JustKiddingFilms was created by Bart Kwan and Joe Jo. A number of others are a part of JustKidding Films, and for the rest of the crew, go here. JustKiddingFilms is best known for comedy skits. They perform in a number of venues, including universities, film festivals, among other places. They have 88 million YouTube views ,and are collaborating with other filmmakers and artists.

Bart’s Interview Questions:

Justin Samuels: Who are some of the artists that JustKiddingFilms collaborate with?

Bart Kwan: We’ve collaborated with Timothy Delaghetto, AJ Rafael, David So, Clara Chung, Poreotics, Joseph Vincent, and Victor Kim. We’ve collaborated with a bunch of other Youtubers.

JS: How has been internet celebrities changed your lives?

BK: Honestly not by much. We do get recognized more often. Its funny because we burst the bubble of the traditional celebrity stigma. We drive normal cars, wear normal clothes. Fans often catch me at the gym wearing my old high school shirts, or they’ll catch me around town in just sandals. Its cool how we can do what we love without having to live up to the traditional celebrity hype.

JS: Bart and Jo mention excelling in higher education? Where did they go to for their university studies?

BK: I (Bart) went to UCLA and Joe went to Cal State Los Angeles. We were Psychobiology and Psychology majors, respectively.

JS: Where do you see JustKiddingFilms in 5 years?

BK: Hopefully everywhere! We have webseries, film, TV ideas. We’re content creators, so we’d love to see our content distributed on all platforms.

Joe’s Interview Questions:

JS: What inspired Bart and Joe to create JustKiddingFilms? :

Joe Jo: Justkiddingfilms was a perfect accident. We we’re in the middle of studying during our second year in college and we impulsively decided to make a movie. Nothing was planned. We just turned a camera on and started acting. We created a story through improv. When we uploaded these videos to show to our friends, we started to see views in the hundreds, thousands, then hundred-thousands and more. It was shocking at first. We realized we have an audience, and then we decided to try to pioneer our own style of comedy.

JS: What are your favorite venues to perform in?

JJ: Our performances change depending on the type of venue. For example, our theatrical set work really well with auditoriums and large performance halls. Screenings/qna pannels are good for small intimate venues and class room like environments.

JS: Do you get a lot of offers or opportunities because of your huge YouTube fan base?

JJ: I think for any entertainer, the bigger the fanbase the more opportunities. The amount of fanbase is a scale of how many people enjoy your work. If a lot of people like what you do, your chances of making it becomes higher.

JS: Does JustKiddingFilms have any plans to make feature length films for theatrical release?

JJ: Yes! We have several ideas in the works right now. Stay tuned! Sorry, no spoilers.

Karla News

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