Categories: Diseases & Conditions

Atenolol Side Effects

Atenolol is a very effective drug that helps lower high blood pressure. I have been taking it for a little over two years. I cannot begin to express the importance of having your blood pressure monitored to see if you have this potentially dangerous condition.

I went for several years and feel God blessed that I did not have a stroke or other serious problem because I did not listen to warning signs. I had been going from family doctor to gynecologist then to a gastrointestinal specialist with other conditions. At each office visit the nurse would take my vitals and the blood pressure was elevated wherever I went. Finally my physicians assistant at the family doctor pinned me down to check this further. I had been having crushing migraines for years and they were becoming more frequent. I was started on Atenolol and the blood pressure decreased, but not enough. I had to go for tests because the prolonged high blood pressure had enlarged my heart substantially. Thankfully there was no damage evident.

After several weeks with adjusted dosing and no serious side effects an accompanying prescription for hydrochlorothiazide was added to the Atenolol. My blood pressure has been maintained at a safe level ever since. It is very important that I be tested for potassium level. Recently I felt, ‘dead tired’ and my level was discovered to be too low. The horse pill size potassium tablets will teach me that bananas and other items are an important dietary requirement.

Atenolol does have several side effects. Patients can experience dizziness, lightheaded, drowsiness, a feeling of being tired, nausea, diarrhea, unusual dreams, leg pain, vision problems as you begin and adjust to the medication. I had some dizziness, more like lighthearted at first. That was easily handled by making sure I did not get up too quickly, especially in the morning. Drowsiness and the feeling of just plain tired is a side effect which must be taken seriously if the patient is a person that operates machinery or drives. The drug, remember now, this is a drug and it is very important to follow doctor and pharmacist orders. I know I have to do what they say to keep the pressure at a healthy level. Other side effects can be a reduced blood flow to the feet and hands and they will feel cold. I notice this particularly when I sit and type, read or paint for any prolonged amount of time.

As with any drug it is important to be aware of side effects and then I’ll be able to tell the doctor immediately. With atenolol I could have these more rare and serious side effects, persistent dizziness, fainting, unusual fatigue, bluish tint or discoloration of fingers and toes, numbness or tingling of hands or feet, decreased sexual ability, unusual hair loss, mood changes, joint changes, rash which seems butterfly shaped on the nose and cheeks, trouble breathing, cough, weight gain that doesn’t make sense , increased thirst and/or increased urination. The doctor must be informed right away if I start bruising easily, have a persistent sore throat or if I bleed easily.
Allergic reactions can happen to some patients. Rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness, trouble breathing or any strange, sudden symptom patient has not normally experienced call the doctor or pharmacist right away.

It is important that the doctor have a patients complete history because some medical conditions can not tolerate the use of Atenolol. The doctor needs to monitor your well being with this or any prescribed medication. At first I had to go in for scheduled blood pressure checks and to discuss any side effects I may have had. I have another family member on the same duo of high blood pressure meds that I am on. She has the increased urination situation. She just makes sure to stride for that bathroom when the urge strikes as there is no waiting.

I also have the Atenolol side effect of vivid dreams. I find it odd to be able to recall most of them, even the ‘atmosphere’ of stress, mystery, horror within them. As a writer that’s not such a bad side effect.

I recommend Atenolol because it certainly has helped protect me from some very serious and damaging health problems.


Karla News

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