Categories: Politics

Are We Better Off? Bill Clinton’s Speech

Yahoo! News asked voters to respond to Bill Clinton’s address at the Democratic National Convention. Here’s one perspective.

“Are we better off than we were four years ago?” This question was posed during President Bill Clinton’s much-anticipated speech at the Democratic National Convention. Clinton answered his own question: “Yes.”

I will admit it is so easy to forget President Obama didn’t create our economic crisis, but that he inherited from the Bush Administration. Clinton reminded me and millions of other voters that President Obama stopped the nation’s descent into a full-blown depression, and that he has added 4.5 million private-sector jobs.

The former president also pointed out it was Obama who kept the American auto industry from collapse while Mitt Romney was willing to let the chips fall where they may.

I had been anxiously awaiting Clinton’s speech. He suggested working together with the Republicans for change instead of fighting against them.

Although Clinton’s speech wasn’t as emotional as Michelle Obama’s, it was just as persuasive. Did it influence my vote? Probably not, but I feel that Clinton’s influence will have a positive effect on Obama’s campaign.

Karla News

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