Anger Management Tips for the Attention Hyperactivity Deficit Disordered Adult

Are you someone with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordered (ADHD) and has a difficult time managing your feelings of anger? If you answered, “yes” you’re not alone. Many people that have ADHD have a difficult time more than someone that doesn’t have ADHD in controlling their anger. The good news is there are things you can do to better deal with your anger. To help understand some challenges that an adult with ADHD may face when it comes to anger and for anger management tips, I have interviewed psychotherapist Theodore Carlos.

Tell me a little bit about yourself.

“I am a Licensed Professional Counselor in Austin, Texas. I have been in practice over 20 years with another 10 working in hospitals and doing outreach in public schools. My specialties include: Stress and Anger Management, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and Addictions

What are some challenges an adult with ADHD may face when it comes to anger?

“People with ADHD and ADD have a tendency to miss “social cues” because they are focused on what is going through their head at any given moment. As a result, they tend to experience more interpersonal frustrations and negativity from other people.

All adults have to learn how to wait for what they want and how to calm themselves down. However, people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder often have difficulty with one or more of these social competencies even from a very early age.

What are some anger management tips for the ADHD adult?

First and foremost, a person with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder must take their condition seriously. They don’t necessarily have to see themselves as handicapped, broken, or suffering from some disorder. (There are in fact some skills that they have as a result of being “wired” in this way. They do however, have to recognize that they function as they do and take active steps to deal with the way that they function. For example, if they are disorganized and acting proactively does no come natural to them, they need to work on developing those habits. If they have difficulty waiting for what they want, they need to acknowledge when they are actually getting what they want.

Second, the first rule of anger management is to avoid situations that cause one to become angry. Like the first tip, this requires that they slow themselves down enough to be able to examine their choice making and how they feel about what is triggering their frustration and anger. This is not optional for someone with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Third, they should avoid self medication and addictive behaviors. This is the direct road to blow-ups, and bad choices. What seems like a relief from stress and anxiety ends up creating lower frustration tolerance.

What type of professional help is available for an ADHD adult that has a difficult time managing their anger?

Both individual and group therapy provide stress relief and help the person with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder improve their ability to step back and evaluate their situation better. It can help the person to recognize social cues better and therefore, lower their frustration. Therapy also makes it possible for the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder individual to identify triggers to their anxiety. This is instrumental in keeping one from escalating to full blown anger outbursts. Finally, psychiatrists have numerous medications to help the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder person focus and lower their anxiety. Typically, I recommend this as the last option and only when paired with counseling. It is definitely better than self-medication.

Thank you Theodore for doing the interview on anger management tips for the ADHD. For more information on Theodore Carlos or his work you can check out his website at:

Recommended Readings:″>How to Cope with Your Teens Attention Deficit Disorder″>How to Help Your Child Get Control of Their Attention Deficit Disorder″>Attention Deficit Disorder Relationship Challenges


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