Categories: Television

AMC Television’s Most Popular Shows

After years of showing classic movies, AMC has been been mixing up their formula and rocking the TV scene with original programming. For several years they have been releasing original hit series offering excellent writing and casting. Additionally they’ve done superb work on setting the scene for their programs, with fabulous costuming, special effects, and filming techniques. Currently, the most popular of AMC’s hit programs are below:

The Walking Dead

By far the hottest show on AMC right now, The Walking Dead (a series about zombies) is being raved about and is quickly breaking away from the pack.

The Walking Dead is a post-apocalyptic horror-based television series based on a comic book series by Robert Kirkman that was adapted for television.

The series follows a small group of survivors who travel across a barren United States in search of a new home while trying to avoid the shuffling hordes of undead. They are constantly faced with unspeakable horrors coming from all sources – both from the zombies and the living individuals found along the way. As the group’s situation becomes more grim and desperate, they get pushed to the brink of insanity as they attempt to survive each day.

Check out The Walking Dead trailer on YouTube.

Mad Men

Flash back to the 60s when times seemed simpler – but were they? Setting trends in both fashion and home furnishings, this award-winning program will captivate you and make you long for the sexy sizzle of days gone by.

Mad Men does a good job at illustrating life at home and the work place at that time. Set in a fictional Madison Avenue advertising agency, the series follows Don Draper (Jon Hamm), and others in his life, both in and out of the office.

With beautiful clothing, stunning sets, and witty scripts, this series really depicts the changing moods, social mores, and political correctness of 1960s America.

Don’t miss this Mad Men trailer on YouTube.

Breaking Bad

Chemistry is about mixing two or more elements to form a reaction. Drugs and drama are the two “elements” mixed in this award-winning show from AMC.

Breaking Bad, follows high-school chemistry teacher Walter White (Bryan Cranston) who has just been diagnosed with incurable, advanced lung cancer. Knowing that he will die and his pregnant wife and disabled son will be left with little, he first panics.

Soon after, while on a ride with his brother-in-law who is a DEA agent, he sees Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul), one of his former students, fleeing a meth lab. He contacts him with a scheme where he would cook the meth and Pinkman would be the distributor, thinking this would pay for his cancer treatments and leave his family with a financially stable future.

Take a look at this Breaking Bad trailer on YouTube.

Fans of AMC Television Series

As a fan, you want to know as much as you can about your favorite program. Maybe you also NEED to have that Mad Men doll that your friend just got. AMC Televsion – Most Popular Shows Fan Gear is a great site to help you find out all you can and get the goods to show what a great fan you really are.

Follow Your Favorites with AMC Program Listings

For program listings for the current month, visit the AMC SCHEDULE or use their SEARCH feature in the site header to see if your favorite movie or show is scheduled.

Karla News

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