Categories: Parenting

Affordable Summer Activities for Bored Kids

Whether you stay at home every day of the summer with your kids or you only have the opportunity to take off a few days here and there, you will no doubt hear the words, “I’m bored,” come out of your kids’ mouths. There is something about being off school for many long weeks that can make kids think playing video games, watching TV and playing with friends from down the street are all boring things to do. Your kids want to get out of the house and do things, and this is understandable. After all, how long can you stay at home yourself without going a little stir crazy? Of course, getting out of the house inevitably means spending money. So how can you make summer fun for your kids without breaking the bank?

Group Discounts
Your kids want to see friends from school over the summer, and they also want to get out and about. Why not combine the two with some planned group activities. Many venues like museums, amusement parks, theme parks and more will offer you group discount pricing if you purchase enough tickets. Keep in mind that some will require you to pre-pay for the tickets, so it may be necessary for you to drive around and collect money from your group before you order tickets; otherwise spring for the tickets and hope everyone pays you back. Group discounts can mean big savings, and your kids will have a great time getting out of the house and making fun memories with friends.

Free Events

Many cities and towns across the country regularly host free community events. Some most host free live plays, free movies in the park, free movies at the movie theater and more. Talk to some friends and learn which free events they have taken advantage of already. If they don’t know of any events, search the internet to come up with some ideas in your town or nearby towns.

Visit Relatives

There comes a certain point in summer when your kids are sick of going to the pool, tired of watching re-runs on TV and bored of doing absolutely every other things you might suggest to them. When this happens, your best option is to get out of town. Head to a relative’s house, such as their aunt and uncle’s house to visit cousins or their grandmother’s house where they can be spoiled. This is a relatively affordable way to give your kids a fun getaway. You may still want to pay to explore some attractions in that city, and you will have to pay for gas, but lodging and often most of your food will be provided by your loved ones who will be thrilled you decided to stop by for a visit.

It can be difficult to keep your kids engaged and happy all summer. When all else feels, keep in mind that bored kids are kids that will be happy when school starts back up again in the fall!

Here are a few other articles written by this author:

How Positive is Your Parenting?

Helping Your Kids Through Fights with Friends

Kids and Friend Drama: When to Step In


Karla News

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