Categories: History

Adolf Eichmann Hunt and Capture in Argentina

More than 45 years ago one of the most spectacular covert hunt and capture operation took place in Argentina. This is the story of the kidnapping, capture, and trial of Adolf Eichmann.

Adolf Eichmann was born in Germany in 1906. He was the oldest of six brothers and migrated to Austria with his family. At the age of 26, with no job and no future, he was encouraged to join infamous “SchutzSatffell,” or SS. The SS was the paramilitary branch of the German National Socialist Party. At the same time, Hitler was taking over Europe with his aggressive military and Nationalistic campaign.

In 1934, Eichmann was transferred to Berlin and given a new job. He was made responsible for the transportation logistic of all incarcerated European Jews in the process that has been know as “the final solution” and had a central key role in the Holocaust of millions of Jews in extermination camps.

After World Ward II and Hitler defeat by Allied forces, Eichmann hided in Germany and North Italy for about five years using different names and with the help of friends. Then, he moved to Argentina, arriving at the port of Buenos Aires on July 14th, 1950.

For some time Eichmann used his own name while living in the Northern Argentinean province of Tucuman. After a while and for security concerns he changed his name to Ricardo Klement and moved to a town near Argentine capital Buenos Aires.

In 1957, an Holocaust survivor named Lothar Hermann send a letter to German State Attorney Hesse stating that he was positively sure that Eichmann was living in a small town near Buenos Aires called Olivos. Previous to this letter, famous Nazi Hunter Simon Weisenthal had had tips about the whereabouts of Eeichmann in Argentina but those tips somehow were ignored and not followed.

The Mossad (Israeli Secret Service) took knowledge of Lothar letter and set in motion its own investigation sending under covered agents to Buenos Aires. The diplomatic alternative of asking extradition of Eichmann was discarded due to the risk of Eichmann vanishing again.

In 1958 Mossad agents were looking for Eichmann in Olivos but with no success since he had already moved. However, they found out that he was living in nearby town San Fernando. They kept a surveillance operation on Ricardo Klement (Eichmann) for about two years to make sure he really was Eichmann. Klement worked as electrician at a nearby Mercedes Benz car assembling plant.

On May 11, 1960 a kidnapping operation was set. Mosasd agents staged a carefully planned operation near Eichmann house. Some agents were faking a car mechanical problem. Others were just walking around. They waited for Eichmann to get out from a Public transportation Bus (line 203) that he used regularly to come back to his home. Twice to bus 203 came to a stop with no Eichmann on it.

Agents were going to call off the operation when some minutes later a third bus stopped at the bus stop. A little man with dark big glasses got out from the bus. It was Eichmann himself. He walked besides the stopped car (faking a mechanical problem) and Agent took him to the floor. The put him in a car and rushed to a rented house.

Eichmann was kept in different houses for ten days. During this period Eichmann confessed to the Mossad Agents his real name and SS file numbers. It was confirmed. They Had Adolf Eichmann.

On May 20, 1960, a commercial flight of El-Al (Israeli Airline) was carrying an official Israeli delegation that had participated of the 150th anniversary of the “Revolucion de Mayo” (an Argentinean patriotic commemoration day). A highly sedated Eichmann was disguised as an airline pilot and went through all the checkpoints at the airport. He departed Buenos Aires International Airport and transported to Israel with no problems at all. Three days later he was in court being judged for his war crimes.

The court proceeds (that lasted for two years) of Eichmann were watched worldwide. Eichmann was kept in a high security glass box during his appearances in court. He was found guilty and sentenced to die by hanging. The sentence was carried out immediately. He was cremated and his ashes were spread on the sea. This has been the only death sentence issued by the State of Israel.

The state of Israel always denied any involvement in Eichmann hunt and kidnapping until 2005. Forty-five years later Israel officially acknowledged its involvement in Eichmann capture. However, other theories exist on how and why Eichmann was captures.

According to a book authored by Gaby Weber the Mossad was not responsible fro Eichmann capture and delivery to Israel. Her theory is that William Mosetti, an ex-CIA agent and General director of Mercedes Benz Argentina was the responsible for Eichmann kidnapping. Remember that Eichmann worked (as Klement) in a Mercedes Benz plant.

According to Weber, Mossetti captured and delivered Eichmann to avoid him telling the public about the close relationship that giant Standard Oil and Hitler had in the 1930s. Weber also contends that Mercedes Benz was central to Eichmann delivery because he had information about Mercedes Benz involvement in the Nazi money laundering in Argentina.

Despite the different versions of who or why Eichmann was captured the truth is that he was captured, kidnapped in Argentina and sent to Israel by an unauthorized command type operation and was judged for his involvement in the Nazi final solution and the Holocaust. He died in 1960.


Weber, Gary. La conexión Alemana. Editorial EDHASA ARGENTINA. ISBN:950-9009-27-X

Isser Harel. The House on Garibaldi Street. Viking Adult. ISBN-13: 978-0670380282

Adolf Eichmann- Wikipedia-The free encyclopedia. URL:

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