Categories: History

A Seminole Myth About Life, Love and Service

This myth is dedicated to Hannah, who asked me to write something about her Seminole heritage. This appears to the best known of the Seminole myths. It is traditionally called “Men Visit the Sky.”

In the beginning, when man was first created, he was curious by nature. Once he had finished exploring all that was a part of his home on earth, he turned his eyes toward the sky, seeking he who created him.

The Seminole people were no different than others. They, too wanted to find out “who” created them and discover the “how” and “why” of their existence. But, unlike some others who were content with thought or discussion, the Seminole decided to actually go in search of the answers.

Five of the strongest and bravest among the Seminole people volunteered to visit the sky to seek out the Great Spirit. They promised to bring back the answers their people so desperately sought.

Not certain exactly which direction to go, they decided to head due east. They walked through the desert, transversed various forests, and climbed over mountains, letting nothing detour them from their end goal.

Finally, they reached what appeared to be the end of the earth. All that remained in front of them was sky and clouds. Uncertain how to proceed, one of the Seminole picked up a rock and threw it into the abyss. The rock disappeared but they did not hear it land.

“We will have to have faith and jump,” said one of the travelers. Agreeing, they joined hands and leaped into the unknown. It seemed as though they floated forever. However, they eventually touched down, light as a feather, on what seemed to be solid ground.

“Now what?” asked one of the braves. “We’ve been travelling east,” answered one. “I think now we must now travel west.” The group agreed and off they went again.

Finally they came upon a home with a very old woman sitting in front, weaving a beautiful basket. “Strangers,” she queried, “for what or whom are you looking?”

“We have come to see the Great Spirit,” proclaimed one of the braves. We want to ask him why he created us and what we are to do with our lives.”

“I would think that would be obvious,” answered the old woman with a scowl on her face. “He wants you to live. Nonetheless, he is not here at the moment. You must wait here till he returns.”

“What is this place?” they questioned. “And who, pray tell, are you?”

“I am she who waits and watches,” she responded. “And you must also wait if you wish your answers.”

The five braves sat cross legged on the ground and talked amongst themselves for days. But still, there was no sign of the Great Spirit. The woman continued to sit there weaving, but never seeming to finish the basket she was working on.

“Old woman,” asked one brave. “How is it that you never finish that basket? What is your purpose, again” he queried.

“I am she who waits and watches,” she responded once more. “I have been watching you over the last five days.”

“And what have you determined?” asked another of the Seminole men. “What do you think you know about us?”

“I know you are not yet ready,” she announced and with that, she got up and walked inside her dwelling. The braves continued to sit and wait as more days passed them by.

Suddenly, in the distance, they noticed five beautiful angels all dressed in white, walking toward them. “I would like to be one of them,” announced one of the men. “Me too!” declared another. “That way we could serve our people forever.”

To their surprise, the old woman walked out of her home and right before their eyes turned into the Great Spirit. In a booming voice, he declared “Done!” With that, the two braves turned to dust. He picked up their remains and gently blew on them. As the dust swirled through the air, it reformed into two heavenly angels.

Then the Great Spirit turned to the remaining three braves. “And what of you?” he asked? “What do you wish?”

The men stared at one another, suddenly uncertain. After a few minutes of silence, the youngest among them stood up and proclaimed “we wish to go home and live our lives,” he announced. “We will serve our people as you intended.”

The Great Spirit smiled and announced in a near whisper as he disappeared from their sight, “Done!” The braves immediately fell asleep right where they had been sitting. When they awoke, they were once again home in their village.

“What did you learn?” their people questioned. “What does the Great Spirit want from us?”

“To live,” answered one brave. “To love,” answered another of the three. “To serve one another,” responded the third. “If we do that, we not only honor ourselves, but we also honor him.”

That is why the Seminole people are so closely knit, taking care of one another and watching out for their own no matter what trials and tribulations they encounter in life.

Karla News

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