A Quality E Cig Vs a Cheap E Cig

There is a big difference between high quality e cigs and cheapo disposable ones. If anyone out there is considering purchasing one to help replace smoking cigarettes or just so you can smoke in your house or public places. I highly suggest you try a decent brand before you give up on them all together.

I have tried and tested at least twenty different e-cig brands, and although most of the ones I tried were of the higher quality variety, there were a few I tried that barely produced any vapor and only seem to work intermittently at best.

The best brands I have found, in my opinion, in order from the best being first, are: Smoke Frii, Green Smoke, V2 Cigs, South Beach, White Cloud, Breathe Fresh… If you want to get a good one, get one of those.

I tried a cheap brand this guy had at the bar the other night, and I realized that I was spoiled with the ones I had because they are all way better. Most importantly the amount of vapor produced is a lot more with the better e-cig brands. It also have a better flavor. The best brands that I know of for there plain tobacco flavors would be Smoke Frii, Green Smoke, V2 Cigs, and White Cloud. As for different flavored cartridges like coffee and vanilla. Green Smoke, V2 Cigs, and South Beach Smoke all seem to have a good selection and have some of the best flavor mixtures around.

The one I tried the other night barely tasted like anything and when I breathed out my drag I couldn’t see any vapor at all. It also had a very cheap, plastic feel to it in general. Good e-cigs not only feel better in your hand, they produce bigger, better tasting clouds of vapor, the batteries last longer, the cartridges last longer, and it seems like, they just keep getting better with time. Green Smoke has been making a good, quality product for a long time. V2 recently came out with a nice line of sleek, inexpensive kits and some of the cheaper cartridges around. White Cloud is fairly new as well, they make a very high quality e-cig but they charge a good amount for it. Smoke Frii, very new to the e-cig seen, is making a great e-cig with some of the longest lasting batteries and filters (cartridges) around, for a fraction of the price of comparable brands.

Cheapo e-cigarette brands are not only a waste of money, but they trying one may convince someone that all e-cigarettes suck. When in fact, some of them are quite awesome. All the brands I mentioned are also all two part designed. Meaning all you deal with is a battery, and a cartridge (designed to look like a cigarette filter). The cartridges contain an atomizer (device that heats e-liquid to the point it vaporizes) and the e-liquid itself. You simply screw the cartridge/cartomizer on to the battery and puff until the cartridge runs out or the battery needs recharging. The other style, three piece designs are a pain in the ass in my opinion. The atomizers come as a separate piece from the e-liquid cartridges that are always breaking, getting lost or acting up in some way. Plus, they are just one more part to worry about. Whereas with the two piece design it is a lot simpler, and it does make a difference

When all you want is a nicotine fix, in a manner similar to smoking, and your e-cig starts acting up on you. It can make your blood pressure rise rather than help calm you down. I know, I recently quite smoking cigarettes and switched to e-cigarettes. The first brand I tried was the Blu Cigs. It has some good flavored mixtures I must admit. But the one I had was always acting up on me. It would give me usually around three to five nice, good, thick vapor puffs. Then it would stop, and I would have to take it apart, and make sure the atomizer wasn’t to wet, or to dry, or if the cartridge wasn’t empty, or if it was the battery, or etc. When I just wanted to relax and puff on something for a minute.

Luckily I didn’t give up on e-cigs completely after that. As I said, since then I have tried a bunch of different brands. The newer ones are completely different. Super long lasting batteries! super long lasting cartridges! Great flavors, and no hassle consistent, reliable clouds of vapor, that is, in a lot of ways, better than cigarette smoke!

Smoke Frii is one of the newest. They don’t have a wide variety of battery styles, or flavors. But the batteries are some of the highest quality, longest lasting, most reliable I have encountered, the cartridges are great, last a long time, and make thick, good tasting vapor. They are very inexpensive considering the quality of the product. Here is a link to a Smoke Frii Review about them.

V2 Cigs is also fairly new. They make a wide variety of battery styles, lengths, and other options, as well as a wider variety of cartridge flavors their prices are comparable to that of Smoke Frii’s making them another of the most inexpensive, and yet still quality, brands on the market today. Here is a link to an independent V2 Cigs Review.

Green Smoke although a little more expensive has for some time been offering a reliable e-cig with a very wide variety of different cartridge flavors. Again, here are links for your further research: Green Smoke

So if your thinking of getting an e-cig do yourself a favor and make sure you do a little research and get yourself a good one. Here is a link to the review site I found helpful: Good Luck!


Karla News

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