Categories: TRAVEL

A Haunted Tour of Toledo, Ohio

Toledo is known for a lot of things, but after reading about the haunted places in the Ohio city, you might not be able to think of anything else.

Start your tour of haunted Toledo with a trip to the Collingwood Arts Center on Collingwood Avenue. The ghosts in this building are particularly fond of the stairwells and attic, as well as the auditorium and several of the rooms. At one point in the history of the building, it was used as living quarters for nuns and many of the ghosts are believed to be some of these nuns.

The ghostly nuns have been seen in the auditorium, where one nun always walks to one specific seat, sits down and then promptly disappears. Many of the people who have seen this ghost claim to feel uncomfortable and get a negative feeling from her. Another nun is seen in the attic where she seems content to simply sit and sew. Two unknown male ghosts haunt the building as does a jilted bridge who committed suicide after she was left at the alter.

The Commodore Perry Building in Toledo is also haunted. The dance room and restaurant on the top floor is haunted, and a girl also haunts the area. She is often spotted sitting on the steps. You can also visit the Libbey Glass V.C. Warehouse. Supposedly a former employee killed himself and now haunts the warehouse. Employees report cold spots, things moving on their own, and several ghostly spirits walking through the building.

Toledo also has several haunted schools including the Jefferson Junior High School. The school tore down their old bell tower a number of years ago, but many people still hear it chiming at night.

The University of Toledo also has a spirit haunting its Carter West Dorm. This spirit often plays with the water in the sinks and showers, and always sticks to the bathrooms on the first floor. The other haunted school in Toledo is Whitmer High School. A janitor who was fond of school plays died in the theater and returned to haunt the area. Prior to putting on a school play, the students now leave one sit empty for the man.

Also make sure to visit the Lucas County Public Library where a female spirit still hangs around. The library has several areas that are reserved for employees and one of these areas on the third floor is a favorite of the ghost. Several people have heard the sounds of a woman in high heels walking around when the building is empty. Or visit the Ft. Meigs State Memorial. People have reported seeing figures walking around the old fort, bright lights, cold spots and even electrical shortages.

The Columbian House in nearby Perrysburg is haunted by a few ghosts. Visitors experience cold spots both inside and outside the house, and hear people in the ballroom. You should also pay a visit to the Sherwood House where several spirits roam. A former suicide victim haunts the bedroom where she hung herself, and the ghost of a little boy who died in a fire also sticks around.

You might want to stop by the Riverview Inn too, where a woman killed herself in the bar area. The ghost is known to move things around and cause the water in the swimming pool to move. Many visitors have also returned home to find the image of a woman in their photographs. If you really want to have a paranormal experience, consider staying in the penthouse. Many guests have heard knocks on the door late at night, only to discover no one there when they open the door.

Gibbs Bridge in nearby Sylvan is one of the more popular ghost stories told. According to the legend, a high school student was bullied quite a lot even though he was a popular football player. One night the two main instigators pulled a piece of wire across the bridge just as he was coming across on his motorcycle. The man was decapitate by the line and the two bullies disappeared.

There are a variety of stories told about Gibbs Bridge. People sometimes see a man walking out of the shadows, while others hear someone laughing in the dark. There are also sounds of brakes squealing. People who park on the bridge at night claim to hear a motorcycle revving and a man shouting.

The State Hospital in Toledo is also haunted. There are doors that open without anyone nearby and dark shadows. Many people wait, thinking that someone is coming only to see the shadows quickly disappear. There are also ghostly moans heard on the second floor.

A tour of haunted Toledo is a tour that you won’t soon forget!


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