Categories: History

A Guide to Haunted Churches in Indiana

Indiana has a number of haunted spots. Almost anything a ghost hunter can name, they can find a similar place in the state. One location that seems to be haunted quite frequently are churches. Some claim this is because the churches are often connected to cemeteries and the ghosts are connected. In other cases though, the churches are haunted even without an attached cemetery.

One good example is the haunted church in Brazil, Indiana. There are stories of people seeing a ghostly light in one of the windows at night. Another story claims that the ghosts of people inside the church are sometimes spotted looking out the windows. Another story claims that the ghost of a body hangs from the cross on the steeple.

The Chesterfield Christian Church is Chesterfield, Indiana is also haunted or at least that’s what the stories say. Supposedly the body of an unnamed man was found dead in the boiler room back in the early 1940s. The lights in the building now come on without anyone touching them, doors open unexpectedly and people hear noises early in the morning when no one is inside the church.

The haunted church in Fowler, Indiana was famous enough that a local news station did a report on it one year. Supposedly a young girl haunts the building and her voice has even been captured on audio recordings. The now abandoned St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Indianapolis is also haunted. Legend claims that people hear noises and hear someone walking around the church. Others claim that the church is just a hotbed for homeless activity, not ghostly activity.

Ghost hunters also have the Shiloh Church in Jasper. Legend claims that an entire congregation was once trapped inside the church during a fire and died. The ghosts of those worshippers now haunted the building.

There’s also ghost stories surrounding a church in Kendallville. There are dozens of stories about this haunted church. People claim to see dark figures inside the building and hear people moving around. More serious stories claim that people have actually been hurt by an unseen person inside the building and being chased outside.

Or you can hear about the church in Logansport. The basement of this church is supposedly haunted by the ghost of a little girl. Many people claim to see her in the basement, looking up through the window.

Centerville, Indiana has one of the haunted churches that’s connected to a cemetery. According to legend, the area around the church is plagued by cold spots that manifest even inside locked cars with the heater running. There are also stories about ghostly figures walking around the area and strange noises heard.

Another haunted church and cemetery combo is the Posey Chapel in Laporte, Indiana. Legend says that this church caught fire and burnt to the ground years ago and the preacher himself hung himself on the property. People see orbs and red eyes and hear someone singing in this area, even though the church is long gone.

A building in Kokomo is called the Satan Church by some locals. Some have claimed that witches and cults once practiced in the areas, while some believe they still do. There are stories about strange glowing eyes seen in the attached cemetery and weird noises heard inside the church.

Lastly there’s the Lambs Chapel in Rolling Prairie. Legend claims that a woman was driving by one night when he car died and she was chased into the woods, though no one knows what happened to her. Now legend claims that others driving by have had their own car break down and see a weird apparition in the cemetery.


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