Categories: Gardening

A Beginners Guide to Growing Roses

Ahh. Beautiful roses. I am such a sucker for them, aren’t you? Most people think that growing roses is beyond their reach. Not so! True, some roses are quite finicky and will need special care, but did you know that you can grow beautiful hybrid tea roses?

Hybrid Tea Roses

Hybrid Tea Roses are what most people think of when they think of a rose. They grow on long stems or canes, usually with one multi-petaled bloom at the end. Hybrid Tea roses come in almost any color or fragrance you can think of. You will also find them in double colors.

Hybrid roses may be amongst the most beautiful of roses, but they are probably the most finicky too. If you are looking for a rose you can grow with little fuss, however, don’t give up on the hybrid tea rose. There are many hybrids which are insect and disease resistant as well as beautiful.

If you are shopping online or at a garden center, take some time to get educated. Read the labels and ask the employees which hybrid tea roses would work well for beginners. You will probably be able to find several which are well worth the effort.

Hybrid tea roses need lots of sun. Some varieties may need a haven from the late afternoon sun, but for the most part, plant them in the sunniest spot possible. When you are purchasing your roses, bring home some rose food too. Fertilize according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Some rose food may also have fungicide or insecticide mixed in. If you are a beginner, you might want to try this all-in-one approach.

Hybrid tea roses are generally susceptible to insect and fungal damage. If you see spots on the leaves, or holes chewed in them, you know you have a problem. There are different approaches to battling these nasties. If you just want to zap them, a commercially bought product should help. Don’t wait, though. Insects and fungus can make quick work of hybrid tea roses.

If you want to try a more organic approach, you can try beetle traps and other less harsh approaches. Your garden center should have less toxic choices for battling fungus and insects on your hybrid tea roses.

Bare Root or Container Roses?

You can purchase hybrid tea roses in either the bare root or container form. Each has its advantages. If you have been rose shopping and have seen small packages of brown roots, then you have seen the bare root form of hybrid tea roses.

Purchasing them in this form will probably be far less expensive than buying them in a container. However, you will have to start your plant practically from scratch and won’t be able to see the flowers in person until you have some blooming.

If you decide to purchase bare root hybrid tea roses, follow the planting instructions on the label. You may have to soak the roots for several hours before planting.

If you prefer to purchase container roses, you may pay a little bit more. But, you will be able to see what you are getting and you will already have a vigorous plant. Before purchasing, make sure that the leaves are free of fungus and any insects or webbing. Pick a well-watered healthy looking plant.

Planting Your Hybrid Tea Roses

Panting either your bare root or container hybrid tea roses is best done in the morning, out of the hot mid afternoon sun. If you can’t plant in the morning, try late afternoon.

Dig a hole for your container rose which is about twice big as the container it is in already. Add in some fertilizer according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Back fill the hole and set in the plant. Make sure that the previous soil line is at the top of the hole. If you plant it any deeper, the main stem will rot. If you plant it any shallower, the newly exposed portion of stem may go into shock.

Make sure that your hybrid tea rose is straight up in its new home and then fill in the rest of the soil Tamp the soil down gently but firmly all around and eliminate any air bubbles.

Plant your bare root roses according to the instructions on the label. Soak them first if required. Then dig a hole according to directions and set the roots and stem into it. Again, be sure to set it at the correct height. Make sure that it is straight up and down and then proceed as above.

Once you have finished, give your new hybrid tea rose a good drink. You will want the water to wash down and get rid of any last air pockets as well as watering the plant.

Watering Hybrid Tea Roses

After planting your new roses, be sure to keep an eye on them. You may want to keep them slightly on the moist side for the first week or two. But after that, water as needed. Don’t let them get dry or wilted, but don’t over water either. You will want their roots to grow down into the soil seeking water. This will ensure a great root system. Better to water more deeply with slightly less frequency.

Pruning Your Hybrid Tea Roses

Once blooms are starting to fade, you will want to prune them off. This way, the plant can use its energy to make new buds and flowers. A new branch will grow from the first the leaf group above the cut. Go down from the bud to the second group of outward facing five leaves on the stem. Make a cut about a quarter inch below that at a forty five degree angle. This way, the next branch will grow facing out and will keep your hybrid tea rose bush open and airy.

Enjoy Your Beautiful Flowers

If all goes well and with a little luck, you should have fabulous roses for most of the summer. Keep your eyes on your hybrid tea rose bushes and catch any fungal or insect damage early. Prune off the dead blooms and you should be rewarded with great beauty. You didn’t know you could do it, did you?

Karla News

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