Categories: Parenting

6 Indoor Physical Activities for Preschoolers

Preschoolers have a lot of energy. How many times have you heard yourself saying, “We need to go outside and play!” Being able to run around in the back yard or at a park or nature center is wonderful for kids. But what do you do if the weather has been too cold or rainy to go out? Here are some easy, large-motor activities that will keep kids busy indoors.

1. All Wrapped Up! Keep on hand a roll of high-quality wrapping paper, the kind that doesn’t tear easily. The next time your little munchkins are complaining that they’re bored, pull out the wrapping paper and give them permission to play with it! They can unravel the roll and wrap each other up with it, roll themselves up in it, carry it around and wave it, walk on it, ball it up, etc. The novelty of being allowed to play with wrapping paper will keep them amused for quite a while! If you buy the nice kind, you’ll be able to roll it back up afterwards and use it again a different day!

2. Indoor Hopscotch! Masking tape is another thing you should keep on hand for when you need it. Create an indoor hopscotch by sticking tape down on the floor. You can do this activity whether you have a carpet or a hard floor. Show your child how to go through the hopscotch. You can just take turns hopping straight through it. Or you can play a regular game of hopscotch, by tossing a small stuffed animal or toy onto one of the squares. The player has to hop through the hopscotch, hopping over the space with the stuffed animal on it; and then turn around and hop back, stopping to pick up the stuffed animal on the way. There are many variations of hopscotch games. Play your favorite way, or make up your own rules!

3. More Masking Tape Fun! You can use masking tape for other games as well. For instance, use the tape to make the first letter of every player’s name on the floor. Play music, and have everyone dance or skip around the room. When the music stops, everyone must run to the first letter of their name, and freeze! Or, make lots of different shapes on the floor, and let players move around the room by jumping from shape to shape, as if the shapes were stepping stones!

4. Jumping Beans! The next time you buy a new mattress for a twin-sized bed in your house, don’t throw the old mattress out! Stash it in the garage or attic. The next time your kids are bouncing off the walls, drag the old mattress in and let them jump on it! This will use up plenty of energy.

5. Paper Plate Skating! Have your kids ever seen those indoor carpet skates on TV? You can make a safer version of these with paper plates. All kids need to do is keep the paper plates under their feet and slide around on them! Sturdier party plates may work better than thin paper plates.

6. Buried Alive! Gather up all of the blankets and pillows in your house, and put them in one room. Take turns rolling each other up in blankets and throwing pillows on top of each other, The person who is underneath all of the blankets and pillows has to try to get out without any help! This game will have everyone giggling! Make sure to supervise the game, though, so nobody gets hurt!

Being stuck inside doesn’t mean having to be bored and restless. With these ideas, you’ll be prepared to get your kids moving and keep them busy, even when you can’t just send them outside to play!

Karla News

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