Categories: Food & Wine

5 Top Black Tea’s Available Today

Tea is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world. It can be served cold or hot. Some people enjoy it with milk, sugar, cream, flavoring, or plain. The variety is endless. Of the tea consumed in the world the Black Tea’s tend to dominate the market. These are stronger tea’s then green, white, or Oolong but they are all made from the same tea leaves of plant called Camellia sinensis. What sets the varieties apart is the oxidization of the processing. Black tea also tends to have much more caffeine then the other varieties.

There are literally hundreds of variations of black tea available today. But a few stand out above the rest with a reputation that has stood the test of time. Obviously the old stand by tea’s that have ruled for centuries still dominate the market because they are excellent. Their reputation is well deserved. Here is a listing of five top black tea’s in the world today. Each have their own history and each stands on its own as a wonderful beverage to be enjoyed by everyone.

1) Earl Grey Black Tea

This tea is a mix of black tea and bergamot orange which is a citrus fruit. The rind is used to flavor this wonderful tea. It has been a favorite in the tea market since its introduction in the 1830’s when it was named after the 2nd Earl Grey who was Britain’s Prime Minister.

Now several varieties of Earl Grey are on the market today. One of these is the Lady Grey which has lemon and Seville orange added to the brew.

2) Irish Breakfast Tea

One of the best tea’s on the market is the Irish Breakfast Tea. Many manufacturers make this tea but Stash Tea Company has their own Irish Breakfast Tea that truly stands out above the rest. Stash Tea Company is based in Tigard, Oregon. They specialize in many herbal tea’s and other tea products. Stash has fast become one of the largest tea companies in the United States. All of their products are excellent. So if you want to try a specific brand of Irish Breakfast Tea then I would definitely recommend Stash Tea’s.

True Irish Breakfast Tea is a strong brew made with an Assam tea base.

3) India’s Chai Spice Tea

This is a type of India black tea that comes in a variety of flavors that are heavily infused with various spices. Normally the spices of choice that are mixed with black chai tea is cinnamon, cloves, and cardamom. Once the tea is brewed most Indian people will add milk and plenty of sugar to the brew to make true Chai Tea.

4) English Breakfast Tea

This brew was developed over a hundred years ago in Edinburgh. It became quite popular when Queen Victoria took a fancy to it.

The tea itself is a blend of several black tea’s and often Keemun tea.

5) Darjeeling Tea

This black tea comes from Bengel India and is highly prized. This tea was first grown in 1841 by a man named Dr Campbell. This gentleman decided to harvest small tea leaves instead of the normal large ones which everyone in India had been harvesting up until that time. This set the Darjeeling tea apart and soon became a region specific variety of tea.

If you would like to try any of these black tea’s then I would highly suggest visiting Stash Tea’s official website. They do market all the top five black tea’s that I have featured here. Their reputation as tea dealers is impeccable. They offer a huge mail order business and they are always a pleasure to deal with.

Here is their website.

Karla News

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