5 Easy Beach Exercises

The beach: a perfect place to relax and enjoy the summer weather. It is also a great place to sneak in a few fun exercises and stretches while you enjoy the beauty of the coast!

Exercise on the Beach #1) Sandcastle Relay

Building a sandcastle is a timeless beach activity, so why not incorporate some fitness elements while you create your royal estate? Start with two empty buckets, one in each hand, run to the water and fill the buckets and race back to your sand castle location. Empty your buckets. Now fill your buckets up with dry sand creating a moat around your castle’s foundation. Race back to the water, empty the sand, and refill the buckets with water. Repeat until the castle is fully constructed or until your kids are too embarrassed to let you continue.

Don’t be fooled by the amusing appearance of this relay: depending on how many trips you have to make, this can be quite a vigorous workout. Between the lifting, running, and laughing, you are sure to burn more than a few calories while you provide the necessary elements for sandcastle construction!

Exercise on the Beach #2) Wave Hopping

Standing about a foot from the tidal line on the beach, wait for the waves to roll in and gently hop over the low crest. Start by facing the ocean and jump forward over the incoming waves for 2 minutes. Next face to the right: looking down the beach, hop over the incoming waves side to side. Repeat as you face to the left. The motion of hopping the waves is similar to squat jump plyometrics that you might do at the gym.

A note on location: the preferable location for this exercise is on a shallow part of a beach at low tide, where the waves gently roll in at no higher than 3-4 inches. Please do not attempt this at prime surfing spots such as the North Shore of Oahu where the smallest waves crest at around 2 feet: this is supposed to be low impact wave hopping, not wave leaping.

Exercise on the Beach #3) Seashell Lunge

The search for the perfect seashell or sea glass is always a popular activity at the beach. While you comb the sand, try incorporating slow lunges to work your glutes, quads and hamstrings.

As you enter into rich seashell territory, instead of simply bending to pick up the shells, perform a lunge. Begin by standing with your feet together, then step forward with one foot. Keeping your back straight, slowly lower your body straight down. Your back leg should be parallel to the beach with your knee almost touching the ground, and you should find that you are using the ball of your back foot. Your front leg should be bent at a 90-degree angle with your front foot firmly planted on the ground. To make sure that you don’t lunge too deep, make sure that your front knee never extends past your ankle. After the lunge, slowly come back to a standing position. Repeat the lunge using the other leg.

By performing a few lunges every time you search for shells, not only will you leave with a bag full of beautiful treasures but you may exit the beach with stronger legs and firmer thighs!

Exercise on the Beach #4) Beach Towel Roll-up

Every beach excursion begins with the careful placement of the beach towel- why not reap the benefits of a good stretch while you are at it! Start by finding prime real estate for your towel or blanket. As you go to unfurl the towel, bend at the waist, keeping your back straight. Let go of the towel and gently bend down and reach for your toes. Bend only to where you are comfortable: remember this is only a stretch, it is not the qualifying tryouts for the summer Olympic gymnastics team.

As you reach for your toes, hold this stretch for 10 seconds, and then gently and slowly roll yourself up until you are standing upright. As you roll-up picture yourself stacking each vertebra on top of one another. Your motion should be smooth and controlled. As you come to a standing position, roll your shoulders back slowly and then bring your arms up over your head for an extended stretch.

Exercise on the Beach #5) Walking along the Beach

Walking along a beach has to be one of the most relaxing ways to exercise, but it also comes with its unique health benefits as well. Walking on the beach can work muscles differently due to the increased resistance of the sand.

According to walking on sand requires over two times the energy and burns 20-50% more calories than walking on pavement or hard surfaces.

For safety reasons, it is recommended to wear proper footwear during your beach walk. Getting a sharp piece of starfish wedged in your heel is a sure way to erase any of the healthy benefits mentioned above and subsequently ruin your day at the beach. So be safe, wear your sneakers, and save the barefoot excursions for the ridiculous sandcastle relays.

(*The information provided in this article is meant for educational purposes only and should not be used to diagnose or treat any health issues. The information in this article should not replace the professional consultation and care of your licensed healthcare provider. Always consult your licensed healthcare provider prior to starting and/or changing any exercise routine.)

Sources: “Benefits of Walking on the Beach.”

Sport Fitness Advisor. “Lower Body Plyometric Exercises.”

Karla News

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