Categories: TECHNOLOGY

5 Cloud Computing Trends in 2013

Cloud computing is a great tool for many businesses. When it first came out, not too many business leaders were sure that they could trust their information and data in the cloud to be protected, but with so many advances in the industry, cloud computing is quickly becoming a necessary tool. It can be used for backing up crucial data, accessing data from anywhere in the world or it can serve both purposes. In 2013, more trends and innovations will emerge for cloud computing.

Pay-As-You-Grow Subscription Models

As more and more businesses join in the cloud, cloud service providers are switching from set fees to a more flexible system. Some cloud services are now providing accounts that will provide the ability to grow and expand as the business grows, providing more storage space whenever the business needs it. This model is similar to web hosting providers that allows businesses to grow their website without have to unsubscribe and resubscribe to a different plan when growth is necessary.

Disaster Recovery Using the Cloud

While disaster recovery has always be a part of some companies’ decision to utilize cloud services, there will be more of an emphasis on this type of services in 2013. There are still a handful of options businesses have to put a disaster recovery plan in place, but a cloud computing service is becoming an increasingly affordable option, particularly for small businesses and startups. Cloud services are an easy and quick way to backup company data on a regular basis and still have the added benefit of accessing it from multiple places when needed.

Heavy Emphasis on Security

The main reason many businesses are still resisting using the cloud for access or for backup is because they believe that security is not as high as it can be. in order for cloud based services to attract more customers, there will be a continual effort to focus on security measures. These measures are essential for keeping any company’s data private, protected and still accessible to those who need to use it.

Private Cloud Services Outdoing Public Services

In previous years, private cloud services are by far what businesses pay attention to and utilize the most instead of public or hybrid versions of the cloud. In 2013 private cloud services will continue to outpace these other options mainly because security and reliability are at a much higher level.

More Cloud-Based Development

In 2013, cloud-based development will grow even further. Businesses interested in utilizing the cloud for different types of applications will be looking into how the cloud can be redeveloped for their own particular use. Many organizations will also be looking into how add-ons and additional cloud services can benefit different types of businesses.

These are just some of the trends in the cloud computing industry. As the industry grows, there will be a focus on many other areas of the cloud that will help benefit individual users as well as businesses.

Karla News

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