3 Natural Ways to Treat Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes muscle pain and tenderness, as well as, fatigue. (The constant pain and fatigue can also lead to depression, by the way.) I must admit that I was diagnosed a few years ago with a slight case of fibromyalgia. I have also taken no medication for it nor am I under any type of medical care for it. Does it bother me? Sometimes. Has it developed into a debilitating disease as I know it has in so many others? No. It turns out that my life-long commitment to finding all-natural ways to get and stay healthy also help to alleviate my fibromyalgia. In addition, the actions I follow also happen to be those most often recommended by health care professionals and alternative medicine practitioners. Following are three ways in which you can treat your fibromyalgia:

Vitamins and herbs
Vitamin E is a must, in my opinion, for all fibromyalgia sufferers. It improves the circulation and also reduces muscle pain. In addition, I learned many years ago that vitamin E is also great for boosting your energy level. In fact, even if you do not have fibromyalgia, take vitamin E. It tends to be good for everything; e.g., hair and skin. Do consult your primary healthcare physician, however, if you are taking a blood thinner plus limit your intake to 400 IUs per day if you have high blood pressure.

Vitamins A and C are also good for alleviating the pain of fibromyalgia. Like vitamin E, they are antioxidants and can help fight cell damage, thereby improving your overall health and helping to fight fatigue. From experience, however, I have found that going without extra vitamin E does me more harm than going without extra vitamins A and C.

A great herb to use for pain relief is cayenne. Yes, this hot pepper is an herb and a great one for medicinal purposes. [See my article on the Cayenne Pepper Plant.] What makes hot peppers hot is the oil in them called capsaicin, and this same oil can be used to treat chronic pain. The FDA has even recognized the benefits of capsaicin, which is why you can find various types of creams and ointments on the market today that contain this oil and are recommended for pain relief. You need only rub these ointments on your skin. Apparently capsaicin works by interfering with the substance in the peripheral nerves that send pain messages to the brain. You can also eat this herb on a regular basis to improve your metabolism and raise your energy levels. (I make fresh salsas on a regular basis. I also toss hot peppers in almost everything; e.g., soups, stews, chili, and even rice and vegetables.)

Fibromyalgia sufferers should eat a high-fiber diet rich in raw and steamed vegetables, as well as leafy greens. Be sure to also include nuts and seeds in your diet. Eat meats high in protein, too, such as poultry and fish. Stay away from the fried foods and any foods high in saturated fats, which can slow blood circulation, which in turn increases inflammation and pain. Avoid processed foods, as well as anything containing sugar, caffeine, and alcohol. All of these can just aggravate your pain and fatigue. It is also best to eat a few small meals per day (4-6, for instance) rather than three large ones. Smaller, more frequent meals will keep your muscles supplied with nutrients, which helps to fight inflammation, pain, and fatigue. Finally, remember to drink your eight glasses of water each day. (Fruit juices are also good.) This will help to flush the toxins from your system, which will also help to alleviate the pain.

You are tired and hurting, which you probably have used many times as an excuse not to exercise. However, exercise is one of the best things you can do. Focus on low-impact exercises. Yoga is a great choice. I prefer weight-training. And you do not have to lift heavy weights to achieve the desired results. Even 3-5-pound weights will work amazingly well. Swimming is another one of my favorite exercises. Any pain I might be experiencing magically goes away when I am in the water. Walking and biking are also great exercises. Start out slowly and gradually increase the intensity of whatever exercise upon which you decide. Realize that exercise will increase your strength and flexibility, will release pain-relieving endorphins, will increase your circulation, and will generally leave you feeling better. You will also find that you will probably start sleeping better at night. (Before starting any exercise program, consult your primary health care professional.)

You can live with fibromyalgia. You can also live in such a way that fibromyalgia does not control your life.


Castleman, Michael. The New Healing Herbs. Emmaus, PA: Rodale Inc., 2009.

Fibromyalgia Exercise: Fibromyalgia Exercise — What you can do.

Holisticonline: Fibromyalgia: Treatment of Fibromyalgia/Alternative Medicine

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