Categories: Parenting

10 Reasons Why Babies Cry

If you have ever been around a baby then you will know that they cry an extreme amount. This is their only means of communication as they enter the world and they will use it to vocalize a number of things. These are the ten most common reasons that a baby will cry.

1) The baby is hungry. When babies are first born they need a lot of calories to help them thrive. Instinctively they know this and they are ready to use their lungs to let you know. Once your baby gets on a feeding routine you will begin to recognize these cries of hunger.

2) The baby wants to be held. Babies are used to feeling warm and snuggly after being in the womb and they will enjoy the feeling of comfort that being held provides. If the child is crying always pick them up and see if just being held will comfort them.

3) The baby wants a diaper change. Some babies will be very sensitive to this and will let you know when they need a change right away. Others will not be fazed by this at all. It is good to keep a fresh diaper on your child to keep them clean and healthy anyway so if you think this could be the cause of the child’s discomfort go ahead and change the diaper.

4) The baby is too hot or too cold. This can be very uncomfortable for the child, especially if they are too cold. They are definitely used to heat after being in the womb and do not seem to mind this as much. It can be hard to tell when they are overheated though as they are not equipped to sweat quite like we are. So be sure to monitor the temperature in the air around your child and dress them appropriately. They will always need more layers than us so keep that in mind as well.

5) The baby has become overstimulated. Babies cannot take a lot of attention in their first few months of life and will get anxious if too many people are around or the atmosphere is too noisy for them. If they become overstimulated be sure to take them into a quiet room and give them some space from crowds.

6) The baby doesn’t feel well. A lot of times babies can have digestion problems adjusting to a new diet. This can cause gas and upset tummies. Talk to your doctor and see if you can pinpoint the problem.

7) The baby is tired. Babies need a lot of sleep during their first few months of life and if kept awake they can get overtired and become fussy and start to cry. Try to stick to a sleeping schedule with your baby and don’t stray from this unless absolutely necessary.

8) The baby is bored. Sometimes they just need something to stimulate their little brains. You can put them in a swing or a bouncy seat so they can be propped up to look at the world around them.

9) The baby may have colic. This is a condition that is still a mystery to everyone. They don’t have a concrete cause as to what causes this but there are many books and websites on the subject. There are also tons of suggestions on what to do to calm the crying. Talk to your doctor about what you can do.

10) The baby has no reason for crying. Often times there is no reason that the baby is crying. They cry just because they can. Try not to let the crying stress you out. It is the only means of communication the baby has. Try a change of scenery for the child. If they are laying down prop them up. Put on some music for the baby to listen to. Just keep trying different things until you find something that works for your baby.


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