The Zone Diet has been used by numerous celebrities to lose weight. The Zone diet relies on the idea that the right food combinations regulate the hormonal balance in your body, causing your body to lose weight. Zone dieters eat at regular intervals and only consume meals and snacks that are carefully balanced.

The Zone Diet relies on a balance of 30% protein, 30% fat, and 40% carbohydrates at every meal. Although the Zone Diet claims no food is forbidden, it recommends that you limit carbohydrates that contain sugar or white flour. The Zone Diet also recommends very precise timing for when you eat your meals. Each day, you should consume three meals and two snacks. A snack should keep you satisfied for two hours, a meal for four to five hours.

According to the Zone Diet, it is important to eat your balanced snacks and meals at the appropriate times, even if you are not hungry. They also encourage you to take a multi vitamin or other health supplements to ensure you are getting all of the minerals and nutrients your body needs.

It is believed by proponents of this diet that regular meals of this combination of protein, fat, and carbohydrates, will help them lose weight faster than the ordinary dieter. The first week, a dieter may lose as much as four pounds, most of which is water weight. Expected weight loss on the Zone can be eight to ten pounds a month, which averages out to a little more than two pounds a week. The Zone Diet emphasizes fat loss over low body weight.

But not everyone that uses the Zone Diet is overweight. Many people claim that eating using the Zone Diet plan improves their health and mental clarity. They also say by eating the correct balance of foods they are able to eat less and still not feel hungry.

Because the balance of protein and carbohydrates is often difficult to achieve from many traditional recipes, many people consider eating prepared food while on the Zone Diet. If you live in an urban area, there may be Zone chefs that will prepare and deliver your food daily. This service may be costly, but also leaves little chance for going off plan.

There are also Zone cookbooks, which are essential if you plan on staying on the Zone diet for a long time. Many websites exchange recipe ideas or how to alter current recipes to fit the Zone if you cook for yourself. You can make up your own recipes for the Zone if you retain the balance required. Free online software is available to input the ingredients in a recipe to figure out whether or not it is Zone appropriate.

Even though supporters say that the Zone Diet will leave you feeling satisfied, the Zone diet is a low calorie diet. Most women consume 1100-1200 calories a day on the Zone, while men consume 1400-1600 calories. The Zone Diet also encourages dieters to drink a lot of water and do regular exercise.

The American Heart Association does not approve of the Zone Diet because of the lack of long term studies documenting the effect of this diet. They have also expressed concerns that the diet is too high in protein. Critics have pointed out that anyone consuming so few calories and exercising regularly would lose weight, regardless of the types of food consumed.

Before beginning any diet regimen, you should talk to your doctor about possible risks and benefits. No diet plan can substitute for a doctor’s advice that is tailored to your own medical history and current lifestyle. If you are considering doing the Zone Diet, be sure you can explain the precise restrictions of the diet to your doctor to get the best recommendation.

Karla News

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