Categories: Pets

Where to Hold a Birthday Party for Dogs

It’s a gala affair but the attendees appear to be more canine than human. What gives? You may have just walked into the middle of a dog birthday party. It seems that more and more Americans are choosing to celebrate their dog’s birthday with festivities of all types including special theme parties. It’s not surprising since so many people consider dogs to be members of their family. If you want to throw a birthday party for a special dog and don’t want to have it in your home, what are your options?

Hold a birthday party for dogs: A dog park

Most cities now have a dog park of some type where dogs are allowed to run free and socialize with other canines. If the dog park is completely fenced in, this can be an excellent place to hold an outdoor party. The dogs will have room to run and play while the humans will have lots of room to congregate and socialize. If your dog’s birthday falls during the summer months, bring along a picnic for both dogs and humans along with party favors and hats. Be sure to bring lots of water and dog cookies as well as a dog healthy birthday cake. Beware of holding a dog party in a dog park with inadequate fencing. You don’t want the party to be spoiled by a dog escaping and getting injured.

Hold a birthday party for dogs: A doggy day care center.

If you have a doggy day care center in your area, you may be able to hold your dog party there on a Sunday when they’re not open to regular customers. Ask about renting their site out for a one time party. Many doggy day care centers have a wading pool and agility courses which can keep the dogs entertained. Don’t forget to bring along a camera to get photos of the dogs at the big birthday event.

Hold a birthday party for dogs: A dog training center.

If you have a dog training center in your area, you may be able to hold a dog birthday party at their site. Again, you may have access to dog agility accessories and other equipment to keep the dogs entertained. This would be an excellent location to hold a winter time dog birthday party.

Hold a birthday party for dogs: Other potential sites

Other ideas for sites where you can host a dog birthday party include a local pet store that has lots of space, a doggy resort, a doggy bed and breakfast, or a doggy bakery. Some doggy bakeries actually will host a dog party for you.

Don’t forget to bring along lots of “poop” bags along with the fun stuff. You want to leave a positive impression. Get ready to have fun! Dog birthday parties can be fun for both human and canine alike.

Karla News

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