When Allergies Are Out of Control

An allergy is basically an over-reaction of the immune system to a certain stimulus. People might be allergic to flowers, foods, bee stings and so on. Sometimes, particularly when the body is under intense stress, allergies may be even more exaggerated, and you might start reacting to seemingly everything you come in contact with. It can become difficult to leave the house, since everywhere there seem to be people who have marinated in perfume, smell like smoke, or have just held their kitten. If you are going through one of these periods, know that there are some things you can do to help alleviate the allergy problems at home, at least, and give you a safe haven to return to.


You should get your house professionally steam-cleaned. They should use no chemicals in the water unless they are hypo-allergenic and you know they won’t bother you. Carpets, drapes, other flooring, furniture-all should be cleaned to eliminate as much dust, dirt and hair as possible.

Be sure to wash pillows, blankets, comforters and the like in your machine if you can. A new pillow is your best choice. Strip down to the mattress and vacuum it thoroughly, as well. It is amazing how much this one step can help an allergy.

Household products

Find cleaning products that have natural ingredients in them, no perfumes or dyes. You should be able to find materials to clean all your household surfaces as well as your clothes. Many such products are labeled “free and clear” or “non-allergy,” but read thecarefully to be certain it doesn’t have ingredients that you know will affect your allergies.

Check your toiletries for ingredients that might be bothering your allergies. There are likely elements of your shampoo, conditioner, soaps, and lotions that can cause allergic reactions. But you should also consider makeup, dental products and even earrings.

Have a conversation

Talk to the others in your house about the need to reduce allergens. It may be difficult to get them to give up their scented lotions or hairsprays, but if you explain the purpose and that ridding the house of them for a short time may help eliminate your reaction to them, it may help. They need to understand that putting such products on when they are outside the house is a good idea, but they may be required to shower when they return home.

Undoubtedly, you will also hear, either to your face or behind your back, something like, “It didn’t bother her allergies last week when I wore this, but today she can’t breathe. I think she’s making it up.” An explanation about how allergies work, how the building up of reactions leads to further reactions, may make it easier for family members to give up their products.

Get help

If you can, have someone else clean your house. It is more likely to bother you to use the cleaners than just be in the house where they were used. You may have to give up being quite so picky about how things are done. Instead, focus on how these changes may help you regain your health.

There is hope

After reducing the allergens in your house, there is potential that your body will stop over-reacting and eventually allow a return to normalcy. A visit to an allergist is an even easier fix, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to make these changes in the interim.

You might never be able to hold a kitten again without tearing up and sneezing, but the goal should be to be able to visit a friend’s house for the evening, to be able to go grocery shopping without coughing up a lung, to be able to sit in a restaurant without needing an inhaler. Giving your body a chance to reset at home without allergic reactions is a good step toward that day.

Karla News

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