What’s so Great About Being a Taxi Driver

Taxi drivers have a great job and make good money. This article will tell you what’s so great about being one.

A taxi driver has freedom that other employees do not. Taxicabs are leased for the day and the driver is free to run trips the entire shift before having to pay the daily or weekly lease. A 12 hour shift will usually net over $150 after the lease is paid. The money is great.

A taxi driver has more control of what he does at work. If there is an emergency he can leave without informing or asking for the boss for permission and maybe being told no. A cab driver is considered self employed and is therefore, his own boss. He never has to worry about his employer looking over his shoulder to make sure he is not goofing off on company time. A Taxi driver is his own boss.

A cab driver gets to go places daily and see things that most people have no idea about. They are familiar with the best vacation spots and can always tell you a less traveled route that will avoid lights and heavy traffic jams. They are also good drivers. After spending 60 hours a week on the road, a cabdriver is one of the safest people behind the wheel on any given street.

Another great thing about being a taxi driver is the people. The customers in the backseat have stories to tell and most cab drivers collect these stories and share them with their fellow drivers. It is also the basis for the cable hit, Taxicab Confessions, which is still airing new episodes every year.

Taxi driving is great because of all of the above but also because of the companionship of the radio, where the trips are dispatched and at some companies, the drivers can talk to each other. Cab drivers are much like police and firemen, in that they are a family and if one of them has problems with a fare, the others will always go help him out.

Being a taxi driver is great money, great stories of people, and good money. The hours are flexible, there are no cubicle walls to feel boxed-in by, and best of all, no boss over your shoulder, asking if the days reports are finished yet. Just driving and talking to people and getting paid for it.

Karla News

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