Categories: Beauty

What to Expect After Cheek Augmentation

You may have done your research for cheek augmentation or implants. You’ve browsed before and after photos online and have scouted the internet for some of the best surgeons to take care of your surgery. However, what you may not realize is what you need to expect after the cheek augmentation surgery. Yes, I’ve browsed all the surgeons’ websites. They all say the same: swelling, minor pain, etc. I’ve even talked to surgeons and I get the same answer. However, you’ve had the surgery and now you’re wondering: am what I experiencing normal? Below is what you really need to expect after cheek implants. This can either serve as research or just to abate your own worries.


Everyone tells you to expect swelling but how much swelling? My first reaction was “oh my god I look like a chipmunk!” Yes that is completely normal for the first week or so. Do not panic. Do as your doctor directed by keeping your head elevated and use an ice pack. It’s a good idea to put your social life on shelf during this time period otherwise you’re just going to stress yourself out.

While the noticeable swelling may subside after a week or so you may feel you’re unhappy with your results. You think “my cheeks look too large” or you may even think that your cheeks are two small. You may not see as much definition as you’d like. Keep in mind that you won’t notice full results until several months after the surgery.While I say it takes several months for the swelling to go away do not be alarmed. What I mean is minor swelling, swelling that is only noticeable to you. Don’t go running to your doctor’s office after several weeks demanding he refund you your money or consider a revision surgery. Most surgeons won’t perform a revision until after a year because that’s when you’ll see final results. Yes, it’s frustrating but you have to realize you’re causing trauma to your skin and that can only heal over time.

You may notice you have swelling under your eye. This is perfectly normal unless your eye is swollen shut. In that case you’ll need to contact your surgeon.


Don’t be alarmed if you’re still feeling numb several days after the surgery. The place you’ll most likely feel numb around is your lip area or even your cheek area. The numbness is due to swelling. After a week or so this should subside. If you’re concerned about prolonged numbness contact your surgeon.

General Anesthesia

Here’s something you don’t think about after your cheek surgery. More than likely you’re put under general anesthesia and a breathing tube will be placed down your throat. For the first several days expect to have a really hoarse voice and a really sore throat. This is perfectly normal. You may notice that you’re coughing up phlegm. This is all part of the recovery process. You’re going to experience trouble eating for the first few days and you may want to restrict yourself to a liquid diet. Make sure that you do your breathing exercises otherwise you’ll at risk for pneumonia. This is very important. Cough and breathe deeply.

Signs of Infection

Infection is possible anytime you do anything to your body. If you notice that you’re running a fever of 101 or higher contact your doctor. If your face all of a sudden swells and seems to get worse as the days go by check with your surgeon. Your surgeon should give you a paper with all the indications of infection. If you take your antibiotics and follow his or her instructions you should be fine.

personal experience

Karla News

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