What Do You Need to Become an Actor?

If becoming an actor is a dream of yours, it is important to step back and learn the ropes of the business. It is also important to realize that there are some things you will need, as well as some steps to take, in order to pursue that dream. The following steps will walk you through the process of becoming a professional actor.

Take some acting classes or workshops in your area.

Most all actors that you are familiar with have studied and trained acting. They did not just wake up one day, move to Los Angeles, and become famous. Many began studying acting in their hometown before moving on to a major market (In the United States, this would be New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago or Miami).

Find some local classes being offered by a professional. Stay away from franchise schools, they tend to hire less qualified teachers. Call some local theater groups and inquire. You may also want to call some local colleges and see what they have to offer. Some areas have a listserv, or email group, dedicated to acting. In these groups, you can often find notices of upcoming classes and workshops. Becoming an actor takes continuous training and learning.

Start auditioning for local projects.

You do not need an agent for this. Watch your local newspapers, listserv, and websites for audition notices. This will help get you accustomed to the auditioning process. Most of these will be for theater, which is a great way to learn acting. If theater is not what you are desiring, the auditioning process is still great experience. Remember, the more experience you can gather for a resume, the better. This may mean doing some local theater.

You can also search Craigslist for local audition notices. Often times auditions for student films can be found here. While they are low to no pay, they are great experience and a great resume builder.

Have a theatrical headshot taken.

Hire a photographer that is experienced in taking theatrical headshots. It is crucial to find one that is knowledgable in headshots. Headshots must be done a certain way. These headshots are used as an actor’s business card, and are extremely important.

Submit your headshots to local agents for consideration.

You can find a list of local reputable acting (commercial or theatrical) agents on the SAG (Screen Actor’s Guild) website. Send off your resume, along with a very brief letter. If you can, do a resume to attach to the back of your 8 X 10 headshot. Be sure to research acting resume’s to be sure you have completed yours the proper way. If an agent is interested in meeting you for possible representation, they will call you for a meeting. Be patient, it may take up to 6months before you hear anything.

If you live in a very small market, you might need to branch out. Focus on all big cities within a 3 hour drive. Keep in mind, however, that audition notices are often done with VERY little notice, sometimes coming in only hours before you would need to be there. Be prepared to jump at little to no notice. An agent is crucial to advancement in acting, as only licensed agents have access to the television and movie auditions.

Keep working at.

Basically, keep studying, keep auditioning, keep your headshots current and keep submitting! Be ready for rejection, it will come. Those actors who succeed in the business do so because they keep at it. It often can take years. Many actors give up, it is only those with the stamina and patience to keep at it who will succeed.

Becoming an actor can be a long road, but it can be a rewarding, challenging and fun career as well.

Karla News

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