Categories: History

Weird March Holidays 2011: Week 1

1. National Horse Protection Day: On March 1st, sponsors focus on raising awareness on the abuse and neglect that many horses have to endure. There is also special attention on horse slaughterhouses. For more information on slaughterhouses and horse abuse, visit here and here. Warning, there are unpleasant and slightly graphic photos.
National Pig Day: There are many events in locations such as school and zoos that recognize pigs on this day. If you want to celebrate the pig with kids, there are plenty of crafts you can make (pigs snouts or ears or the Three Little Pigs scene, etc.) or you can head on over to a zoo or farm. Of course, you could honor the pig by eating some bacon or sausage…
National Peanut Butter Lovers’ Day: Invented in 1890, peanut butter has become a household staple in 90% of American homes. White peanut butter has a day of it’s own (January 24th), it’s the lovers that are recognized today. I’m just going to throw this out there – I am a peanut butter lover and I will not hesitant in devouring a piece of peanut butter toast.

2. Dr. Seuss Day: Theodor Seuss Geisel, usually known as Dr. Seuss, was born on March 2, 1904. He was famous for his children’s books, including Green Eggs and Ham and The Cat and the Hat. Along with the pen name Dr. Seuss, Geisel has also written under the name Theo LeSieg (Geisel spelled backwards) and Rosetta Stone. The real German pronunciation of “Seuss” is “soice” (rhymes with voice), although Geisel eventually accepted the common pronunciation of “Soos”.

3. I Want You to be Happy Day: This is a day to focus on making your loved ones a little happier. This could be a shoulder to cry on, a thoughtful phone call, or a cooked meal. The possibilities are endless.

4. Benjamin Harrison Day: Benjamin Harrison served in the U.S. Senate from March 4, 1881 to March 4 1887. Just two years later, Benjamin Harrison was sworn in as the 23rd president of the United States, serving a single term of presidency. He was widely known for allowing the federal spending to reach one billion dollars for the first time. Democrats used this (among other things) against him during the next election, causing Harrison to lose his attempt at re-election.

5. Potty Dance Day: “Put your left hand out. Put your right on top. Let’em drop. Do the hula hoop. Put your knees together. Cross your legs. Shake it around. Do the Potty Dance!” Huggies created this little dance as a reward for a child using a toilet, and it was made famous by Tori Spelling

6. National White Chocolate Cheesecake Day: Although not the most popular of cheesecakes, white chocolate cheesecake deserves it’s very own day. (Cheesecake Day is July 30.) Common additional flavors on a white chocolate cheesecake are raspberries, strawberries, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, and almond.

7. Fun Facts about Names Day: Take advantage of this day to discover odd, unusual, or fun facts about names. It could be your name, a friends’ name, or even a completely random name. For example, Leon Leonwood is the “L.L.” in L.L. Bean.
National Cereal Day: Ah yes, one of my favorite foods. Cereal deserves a day for recognition. Ready-to-eat cereal was created in the late 19th century. It wasn’t until 1906, however, that complete advantage of prepackaged cereal was taken when brothers John Harvey and Will Keith Kellogg founded the Kellogg Company. Kellogg’s remains the number one producer of cereal.

Here are some observances that carry on throughout the entire month of March.

-National Caffeine Awareness Month: The Caffeine Awareness Association sponsors this observance in order to help those who suffer from caffeine addiction.

-Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig Month: Thanks to the ASPCA and, abandoned guinea pigs receive a little attention. These social little animals are great family pets and can live as long as ten years. Guinea pigs are also fun and fairly easy to take care of.

-Deep Vein Thrombosis Awareness Month: This month is dedicated to raising awareness of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). DVT is the formation of blood clots in the legs or pelvis. Occasionally, DVT does occur in the arms. If left untreated, the blood clot could dislodge and travel to the lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism.

-Music in Our Schools Month: The first Music in Our Schools observance was in 1973 as a single day of celebrating. Since then, the celebrations grew to an entire month. The Music in Our Schools Month (MIOSM) goal is to raise awareness of the importance of children’s musical education, as well as reminding parents that school is the perfect opportunity to expose children to music.

-National Eye Donor Month: When someone receives a donated eye, it is actually the cornea that was transplanted – a process called a corneal transplant. Since 1961, there have been 549,000 corneal transplant, ranging in people of all ages, from a couple days old to over a hundred years old. The first National Eye Donor Month occurred in 1983, and since then, every March has been dedicated to raise awareness on the importance of donating eyes.

-International Mirth Month: March is a great month to allow mirth, humor and good-spirits to help with trying times. International Mirth Month is an observance to remind people that a little bit of mirth can go a long way in decreasing stress and improving moods.

-Sing with Your Child Month: One way to strengthen family bonds and increase children’s exposure to music is to sing, dance, and play music together as a family.

National Eye Donor Month Restore Sight
“fun facts about names day” frymybacon

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