Categories: Drugs & Medications

Visine for Contacts – a MUST CARRY Item for Contact Lens Wearers

I’ve been carrying around a bottle of Visine for Contacts for about 10 years now. No not the same bottle! I’ve tried other rewetting drops, and I’ve tried carrying a mini bottle of contact cleanser…but nothing solved my every-so-often eye irritations better than Visine! There’s not too much I can think of to say so I just have two categories…the good and the bad.

The Good
Visine claims it “gets the dry out” and that is true. Depending on where I am and what I have time to do I will use the product in one of the following 3 ways:

1. I will put the drops directly into my eyes. Imagine that!

2. I will put a little visine on my finger and then let it drip into my eyes. This is good for those situations where others are around and you can’t do the whole head leaning back thing without looking stupid. This will also help so you don’t drip it all over your face!

3. I take my contacts out, put a few drops of visine on them, wipe them around and put them back in. It’s a quick and easy clean when I don’t have anything else available.

However I don’t use this only for dry eyes, it works for other things too! Like when I am walking and the wind blows something in my eyes – use a little visine and feel all better. People without contacts may not realize the problem contact wearers have with “stuff in their eye” What I mean is, if you don’t wear contacts, and you get an eyelash in your eye, your eyes can water and it falls right out. Contact wearers have the unique problem that the eyelash won’t just fall out with your tears. In fact it will stick to your contact a lot of times! Talk about irritating. You gotta do something about it and these drops will help.

It also claims it “Refreshes” eyes and I agree with this as well. I stare at a computer for hours, and sometimes it feels as if my contacts are blocking all the oxygen from my eyes. By putting in just a drop or two of visine, I feel so much better, like a breath of fresh air for my eyes!

It’s a handy tiny shape which is why I prefer it to mini renu or other mini-versions of contact cleaners. Plus the screw cap stays on tight were some contact cleaner products have the “pop top” that won’t always stay closed.

Finally, it lasts a long time. It lasts so long that I generally cannot remember buying the bottle and when I go to purchase another one it feels like I haven’t been in this section in at least a year. Ok, I’ll just say it last 1 year because I really can’t remember! It may seem like this tiny bottle wouldn’t last long but you have to remember you are only using one drop at a time!

The Bad
Although visine is great when I need a refresher, it does have one flaw – it can’t stop my eyes from hurting when I have a stuffy nose. Contact lens wearers can probably sympathize with me that when you have a stuffy nose, your contacts and eyes seem stuffy too. Well, visine can’t do anything about that. The best and only real good solution is to take my contacts out for the day and let my eyes breathe! But do I really expect Visine to cure my cold? Not really but it would be nice.

Finally, it can get a little pricey at around 7-8$ a bottle. I have found discounts at CVS and gotten it for 5$. Actually, 7$ per year really isn’t all that bad! So I guess the price is alright.

If you have soft contacts, you need to get this right away. Ever have your dry contacts ruin your evening? There’s a Visine for that! When I did run out of this before I always seemed to have a contact problem the very next day. Maybe I’m addicted…but it makes my eyes feel good so it’s worth it. Enjoy!

Karla News

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