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Unique Homemade Baby Gifts

You can create many unique homemade baby gifts with a little time and effort. Any baby gift that you take the time to personalize for the family and that you put a piece of yourself into will be unique.

Personalized Sign
This one depends on the type of medium that you like to work with. If you prefer wood, you can carve a sign with the baby’s date of birth and name. Adding the parents names to the plaque would also be a nice touch or adding a special message. The same idea would work for painting. You could also do a nice photo collage of the family, including pictures during the pregnancy.

Baby Scrapbook
You can begin a baby scrapbook for the family. Since the time and energy of the new parents are limited during the first several months, you can create the pages for them so all they need to do is add pictures. Be sure to include things like first smile, first tooth, first time crawling, first time walking, first time rolling over, first laugh, first time holding up head, first time sleeping through the night, first time sitting up, first time waving, first time eating solid food, first time standing on own, first time saying mama, first time saying dada. After you give them the gift, you can ask them if there is anything else they’d like you to add. Get a scrapbook that you can easily add pages to so that adding the new ones won’t be a chore.

Baby Quilt
Making a quilt is great way to give a unique homemade baby gift. Since it is small, it is a fairly simple sewing project. To make it more personalized, you can find out what the theme for the nursery will be and then make a quilt that will fit that theme. If you embroider or have an embroidery machine, you can add a central square panel to the quilt with the baby’s name and date of birth. You can even add other details like the birth size and weight. This way, it will be a keepsake that the family is sure to treasure for years to come.

Baby Journal

Create a special journal kit for the family where they can record special events, photos and baby firsts. On each page, have an area where the parents can write down the date and special memories, and an area where they can add a photo. Include some of the following in the kit so the family can personalize it:

  • baby scrapbooking stickers
  • stamps
  • alphabet stickers

It should be something that the parents can easily add to without going to a specialty scrapbooking store. A three-ring binder with regular 8 1/2 x 11-inch pages works well. Make a special cover, spine and back cover for it. Just put the journal sheets that you make for them in sheet protectors in the binder.

To create unique homemade baby gifts, just think about what your special skills and talents are. Then take a trip to a craft store to see what inspires you. Whatever you end up making will be a special gift that no one else can give the baby since it came from your unique skills.

Karla News

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