Categories: Shopping & Fashion

Unique Gifts to Give Someone for Their 21st Birthday

Being the age of 21 many of my friends are now turning 21 this year. I have been to many parties to celebrate this wonderful occasion. All of the party gifts seem to be the same things with no added flare. These include the standard bottle of alcohol and shot glasses. Why not spice up your friends and families 21st birthdays by giving them something more unique and thoughtful. Here are some ideas I have come up with to make sure your gift is more unique then the normal boring gifts.

The first gift that I thought of is to buy a small photo album that is a solid color on the front. Add pictures of the person with a drink in their hand or just drunken pictures of them. Lets all face it we drank before it was legal. On the cover of the album write the words “Now this is legal.” This will surely bring a smile to the face of the person you give it to. Make sure that you pass it around to everyone at the party so that they can all see the birthday persons pictures.

Another gift is to make your own mixed drink book. You can find recipes online and picture of the shots. Add the recipes into a blank journal. You can add your own touch to the book by adding pictures of your birthday person, you, and all mutual friends. This will show the person that you cared enough to spend some time on their birthday present instead of going out and just buying something.

Many people give shot glasses or martini glasses however this is really unoriginal. However by adding just a small touch to this present you can make it one of a kind. First you need to buy a really large martini or margarita glass. Then buy a couple different packages of your friend or family members favorite candy. Put the candy in the glass in layers, each layer being a different candy. Then take see through wrapping and tie the top of the martini glass with it so that none of the candy falls out. Take a ribbon and tie the top of the wrapping.

If you don’t want to do that candy idea you should try this idea. Buy a glass ( any kind margarita, shot, martini, etc) that is glass and has nothing on it. Then buy paint that will not chip off of glass. Then paint the glass to look like you want it. Some ideas include painting balloons, a cake, or martini glasses. This will show your birthday person that you are creative in your gifting.

Another great gift is to make a drunken gift basket. You can put many things in this basket. These include bottles of alcohol, shot glasses, books about drinking, and drinking games. Make sure you wrap the basket in see through wrapping and tie with a bow. This present is sure to stand out since it is more uniquely wrapped then all the other presents people will bring.

These gifts are sure to be unique. Never again will you go to a 21st birthday party and bring a lame gift. Enjoy putting these gifts together and cheers to 21!

Karla News

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