Categories: Music

Type O Negative – “Dead Again”

If you’re already a Type O Negative fan than you know what the band is about and what to expect. If you’re not, you’re in for quite an awakening. TON is not one of those bands that tiptoe around quietly. They come on full blast, balls to the wall heavy hitters with a take no prisoners attitude. The same can be said for their latest release “Dead Again.” Though the release didn’t really register with me upon first listen I gave it another spin. I began to hook into it then. It’s not a ‘happy’ release but then again it’s not a ‘pop’ record either. So if that’s what you were looking for, you’re moving in the wrong direction.

There are many different layers to “Dead Again.” Peter Steele’s maurading voice is back and plugged into every channel. His tones will ring in your ears. Unlike some of their previous releases, “Dead Again,” is a heavily driven guitar project. The songs are interesting lyrically and blend in well with the melodies. If I were to critize the CD for anything it would be the length of the songs. Four songs run over 8 minutes, “These Three Kings,” and “The Profits Of Doom,” are over 10. Though they’re good tunes, you might find your mind wandering after the 6 minute mark. “Halloween In Heaven,” is an excellent track. “Tripping A Blind Man,” is an adrenaline rush once the intro kicks out. “September Sun,” is probably my favorite track. Very nice classic piano intro that continues to flow well even when the guitars are added in. Good touch, good melody, good vocal.

Bottom line, TON fans are either going to embrace “Dead Again,” as one of their finest releases or they’re going to dismiss it as something not as good from the past. My suggestion, put the cd on as if you’re hearing the band for the first time and judge it on its own merit, spin it a couple of times if you need to. It may just surprise you.

Karla News

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