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Transformers Universe Classics Inferno

Transformers Universe is a line of Transformers toys, using characters from the 80′ toy line up to now and remaking them today using modern technology. The result usually, when they are not simply re-issues, is a toy that looks at least as good as it did back then but, is far more playwithable. Often these characters are directly taken from well known characters however sometimes they are lesser known in order to increase the number of toys for sale. The colors are much simpler and “real” world than in other toy lines like Transformers Animated. Universe and newly merged line Classics, another similar Transformers line created Universe Classics 2.0, which does not follow any particular cartoon or comic series. I picked up Transformers Classics/Universe 2.0 Inferno on Amazon.co.uk from Amazon store Kerrison Toys. It was a great price on this and another figure.

I really like this guy, having had him for a few weeks now. It is a really solid toy. Inferno was a character from the Generation 1 continuity of the Transformers history. Originally Inferno was a ladder style truck but is now a pumper truck. Personality wise Inferno was known for being quite gung ho, eager to help whether on a search and rescue or beating Decepticons to scrap, especially the beating Decepticons to scrap part. A cool touch is the 401 stamped on the top sides of the truck cab, 401 being the area code of Hasbro’s US headquarters.

Vehicle mode: As said, Inferno is a pumper style fire engine versus the ladder style Japanese fire engine he used to be. Many fans have voiced gripes with this, not me I love the big cannon, and a third party company (ie not Hasbro or Takaratomy) has produced an accessory pack for the Classics/ Universe molds. One of the accessories gives Inferno a ladder that replaces his water cannon as well as another piece which fits over his hand to give him his water thrower hand from the original toy/cartoon. That said Inferno’s fire truck mode is nice and solid, big and chunky it rolls well on its six wheels. The water cannon sitting on top of the rear of the fire engine rotates well and easily, it also swivels up and down.

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Transformation: Inferno is packaged in vehicle mode so we begin there. First step is to flip around the grey panels in the middle of the vehicle around. Next you want to wiggle the top half of the rear of the engine to separate the arms. Flip in the front wheels under the cab, and then pull down on the bottom half of the rear half and this piece flips down into legs. Turn around the legs and flip down the feet. The shoulders can be a bit tricky as there are a few small slot and tabs that hold them in place so be careful. Probably the best way to undo the shoulders is to first untab the rear set of ‘doors’ from the front by lightly pulling/ pushing on the back of the front wheel wells. Next you want to carefully push up on the shoulders from inside and under to get it to lift over the tab from the cab. Again be careful as the shoulder pieces are also attached to each other by a peg. Swing the shoulders out and then, the same way you folded the grey bits over the rearmost sections of the cab the ‘rear doors’ fold under. The panels that hang off the forearms can be folded back and then twisted around. The water cannon can be swung around to become an under slung arm cannon. Finally, Inferno holds true to all new mold Universe/Classics 2.0 figures and has a dramatic head reveal. By pushing down on the front of the panel his head is attached to it flips around, quite quickly, and then it just needs to be turned around. A panel the fills in his back can now be collapsed in. Behold, Inferno.

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Robot mode: This is an impressive robot. At about a head taller than Classics Voyager Optimus Prime, Inferno is a good sized voyager. He is also quite broad, with only Optimus’ arm shields allowing him to be as wide Inferno. I like the shoulder pads that Inferno has, they are long enough to go past his elbows, and being on a complex hinge and swivel allow for an impressive range of positioning. Despite his size Inferno is incredibly pose-able, so much so that many of the other figures must be a bit jealous. Starting with the head Inferno useful articulation at the neck is on a ball joint, shoulders are complex with a ratchet at the body and under the shoulder pad there is a hinge, upper arm has a swivel, elbow has a hinge, wrists can swivel, hips are complex with a swivel at the top just above a hinge, knee is a hinge on top of a swivel, the ankles are also positionable being able to go rock side to side and back to front. Combined with the complex hinge and swivel for the shoulder pads and the water cannon being hinged to go back and forth, that makes 24 points of articulation. Not bad. I like Inferno’s light piping piece, it works quite well and it was molded clear and the eyes were painted light blue, it gives the eyes a nice depth.

Inferno has climbed to the top of my favorites, especially among other Classics. Incredible poseability and great playability combined with a satisfying conversion really makes me feel like I got my money’s worth.

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Vehicle mode: 2

Transformation: a solid 2

Robot mode: 2

Articulation: 2

Weapons/ Accessories: 1.5

Really the only limiter is the weapon, his water cannon, it’s awesome just limited when compared with the two weapons that come with Voyager class Optimus and the five accessories that come with Voyager class Jetfire.

Highly Recommended!!