Categories: Music

Top Ten Songs by Ray LaMontagne

Exactly what it is that sets Ray LaMontagne apart from other musicians is a difficult point to put a finger on. First, there’s that voice. LaMontagne comes to each song with a sound unlike any artist I’ve heard. The term “blue-eyed soul” comes to mind; yet this is beyond that, a more gravelly, from the gut sound, dexterous against almost any musical scene. Ray LaMontagne’s unique sound flows between soulful, folksy, rock, and practically everything in between. Then there’s the lyrics. Ray has a way of taking the same old themes we hear in music and putting his own twist on it, from edgy to poetic approaches. The following ten songs take the best of what I love about Ray LaMontagne and create a great set of introductions to his unique musical style!


The title track of LaMontagne’s first album, “Trouble” tells a soulful rendition of the Blues motif: “Trouble been doggin’ my soul since the day I was born.” It is at once a fresh rendition of a story we’ve all heard a thousand times-as LaMontagne has said, “Life is hard”-and a great introduction to his style as an artist.

#9-Hold You In My Arms

“Hold You in My Arms,” also from the Trouble album, is a song reminiscent of the style of Joe Crocker. The song starts sounding like anything but a love song: “When you came to me with your bad dreams and your fears/ It was easy to see you’d been crying.” Yet by the chorus, when LaMontagne belts in his trademark gutty growl, “I could hold you in my arms/ I could hold you forever,” it’s clear where the song is going, and it makes it a real joy.

#8-Three More Days

For a sample of Ray LaMontagne’s R&B-influence;, listen to “Three More Days,” a simple yet sultry song. This track is minimalistic when it comes to the lyrics; it relies greatly on repetition. However, it is definitely one of LaMontagne’s spiciest songs!

#7-How Come

One of Ray LaMontagne’s trademarks in music is taking a typically bluesy theme and putting it up against a very soulful, upbeat melody. This track plays something like a modern cut of Dave Mason’s “Feelin’ Alright,” minus that alright feelin’. It isn’t the happiest of songs, but it is definitely thought-provoking.

#6-Lesson Learned

On this track, LaMontagne sings a heart wrenching song of a betrayed love. The exact story behind the song is hard to sort out, but one thing is clear: he is ending a relationship, and she is not taking it well! This song shows Ray’s ability to take his often stirring melodies down a notch to create a very subtle melody, yet still pair it with his harsh, gut-drawn vocals.

#5-Winter Birds

“Winter Birds” is a wonderful example of Ray’s ability to drench his songs in poetry and imagery. Even after many listenings I can’t say I know what this song is about, but I can say that it doesn’t much matter; the song is simply beautiful. The chorus rings like a line of poetry: “The days grow short as the nights grow long/ The kettle sings its tortured song/ A many petaled kiss I place upon her brow/ Oh, my lady, lady I am loving you now.”

#4-You Can Bring Me Flowers

LaMontagne takes a whole new angle on the break-up song with this R&B; influences, soulful song that refuses the concept of begging a loved one to stay. Instead, LaMontagne makes it very clear in the first verse, “If you feel the need to go/ I won’t stay in your way.” The song’s melody says almost nothing of the song’s content; the music is jaunting and mesmerizing while the lyrics say the singer is up for anything but a good time. This is another great example of LaMontagne’s ability to contrast a moody subject with an upbeat tempo, and have it work not just well, but wonderfully.

#3-Hey Me, Hey Mama

This is probably one of the most unexpected tracks from Ray LaMontagne. It shows a surprisingly quirky side of LaMontagne that is rarely seen from him. The song practically dares the listener not to crack a smile; even Ray himself cannot help but laugh as the song begins! This song shows that for all his mellowness, Ray still knows how to keep what he does fun.

#2-Can I Stay

Though many of LaMontagne’s songs have tragic, or else mellow and moody, subjects, this song from the Till the Sun Turns Black album shows a softer side of this artist. Though the song on the surface might be interpreted as a touching love song, it’s actually more of a questioning of love. LaMontagne almost whispers through the chorus: “Between your blissful kisses whisper/ Darling is this love?”

#1-Let It Be Me

This song was actually featured on Fox’s Fringe. It’s message is simple: “If it’s a friend you need/ Let it be me.” At times, LaMontagne comes to a point vocally of a sound reminiscent of Michael McDonald, which is definitely a good thing for this track. It’s soft and subtle melody perfectly accompanies this song perfect to share with any friend or loved one. It’s not to say that Ray is a morose musician, but this song was definitely an unexpected warm-and-fuzzy-feeling track on the Gossip in the Grain album.


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