Categories: Movies

Top Ten Friends with Benefits Movies

Casual sex. It’s something we all know about, whether or not we practice it or condone it. Some may say that its immoral, and something left to the vagrants of society, and that we should all be celibate until marriage. However, there is an alternative view that life is short, and should be enjoyed. Whatever your view, you can still enjoy these movies as they take you away from the reality of life’s consequences. Even if you don’t support casual sex, you can watch as these movies where friends decide to add one more, extra special benefit to their relationships.

1. Spread (2009). Ashton Kutcher polays the part of Nikki, a guy who scams rich women using his good looks and sexual favors. He gets them to let him move in with them, and then he starts cheating on them. Anne Heche’s character, Sam, is his current lady. He lives with her, until she finds out he is scamming her and cheating on her. Nikki then starts to scam another girl, Heather, but it turns out she’s the one who’s got one up on him. She thought he had money and was doing the same thing to him that he does to other women. What a plot! Nikki pretty much is getting what he deserves, hm?

2. Spin (2007). If you liked The Hangover and you enjoy watching films about casual sex, then this flirty flick is for you. This ‘friends with benefits’ movie is about a group of young people who try to discover what they did the previous evening. You can guess that at least part of it dealt with at least some of them having casual sex!

3. Threesome (1994). Threesome is an older movie about casual sex that dates back to the 1990’s. In Threesome, three roommates end up having a sexual encounter. The three roommates are two guys and one girl. The movie actually has a plot and character development, and is not just about casual sex. This film actually deals with the issues that pop up when casual sex occurs, like unwanted pregnancy and ruining of friendships.

4. Trainspotting (1996). This is a British film, and it deals not only with casual sexual acquaintances but also heroin addictions. The main characters in the movie are heroin addicts living in Edinburgh, who are just killing time and not really accomplishing anything. The main character, played by Ewan McGregor, tries to quit his heroin addiction, and the story progresses from there.

5. No Strings Attached (2011). Ashton Kutcher joins us in another film about ‘friends with benefits’ in the movie No Strings Attached. He costars with Natalie Portman, as the two of them develop a relationship that is only based on sex, with no strings attached. However, can things really ever stay this way without huge problems starting to develop?

6. Friends with Benefits (2011). Can the whole thing of ‘friends with benefits’ actually work out? This is the question that must be asked with all of the movies in this list, especially with this movie where the title actually tells us the story. Can Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis really keep up a strictly sexual relationship, or is something going to throw things off course?

7. Friends (with Benefits) (2009). Two friends since grade school decide to have a go at the whole ‘friends with benefits’ thing. They don’t have time for a relationship, but they do have time for sex. So, this could be the perfect solution. I stress the ‘could be’ part of my statement. One small problem is that they both have had feelings for each other since they were kids. That’s going to have to have some effect on this perfect little world that is supposed to be just about sex, wouldn’t you think?

8. Public Sex (2009). Imagine being so bored that you decide to give up some of your morals to get more excited. That’s what happens in this movie when a recent graduate, trying to become a journalist, starts to get involved with ‘dogging,’ which is the practice of having sex with someone in a car while others watch. You can imagine that the scene gets pretty messy.

9. Love and Other Drugs (2010). This is one of my favorite sexual movies because it stars Jake Gyllenhaal, who happens to be quite the hottie. Anne Hathaway costars in this movie where two people decide to just have casual sex, nothing more. Well, when one of them develops feelings, how’s the other going to take it?

10. The Freebie (2007). The Freebie is a somewhat different movie from the rest of the top ten list. It doesn’t just deal with two friends having sex. Rather, it is about a married couple who make a decision to allow each other to have one night of sex with another person. It’s about what happens to two people when they interject casual sex into a loving and caring relationship.

11. Bonus Movie: The Graduate (1967). I couldn’t possibly leave out the movie The Graduate, as it’s one of the classic movies about casual sex. In The Graduate, Dustin Hoffman’s character, Ben Braddock, has just graduated from college. He is friends with a girl Elaine, whose mother is attracted to him. Mrs. Robinson, the girl’s mother, of course begins to seduce Ben, talking him into having an affair with her. You can certainly foresee the inherent problems. For one, Mrs. Robinson isn’t called ‘Mrs.’ for nothing. Secondly, Ben starts to really like the daughter, Elaine. What’s going to happen if Elaine finds out about the affair? Watch this movie and see what happens when the plot thickens.

What are your favorite casual sex, or ‘friends with benefit’s movies?


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