Categories: Movies

Top Gifts for Beginning Screenwriters

These days, doesn’t everyone knows someone who’s newly become an aspiring screenwriter, you know, hacking away at their epic life story on their lunch hour? If among those you give gifts to during the holidays is a wannabe/would-be/might be beginning screenwriter, there are plenty of tools you can buy to help him or her pursue the screenwriter dream. These top screenwriting gifts include books, films, gadgets (screenwriters love gadgets…) and other important items a beginning screenwriter can use on the way to the Oscar red carpet.

Story by Robert McKee. Many people say Screenplay by Syd Field is the bible of screenwriting- and it is. But chances are anyone who’s beginning in screenwriting already has a copy, since the book is so darn famous. Story is probably the second-most famous screenwriting book, and it’s more expensive, so, as gifts go, it’s a safer bet your beginning writer friend doesn’t have it yet. Robert McKee is a world famous screenwriting guru. (If you’ve ever seen Adaptation with Nicholas Cage, he’s the guy who runs the seminar and decries the use of voiceover…). McKee’s Story isn’t necessarily best used as a “how to”. It’s more an encyclopedia of screenwriting philosophies and insights for your screenwriter’s troubleshooting needs.

Final Draft Screenwriting Software. One of the big questions beginning screenwriters have is “How do I format a screenplay.” Many ask this question before such more important issues as “How do I tell a good story?”. Instead of getting them a big ol’ book of formatting as a gift, why not get them Final Draft Screenwriting Software which formats screenplays, teleplay, stage plays and more for the writer. I recently got the software myself, after years of thinking “I’m too used to formatting things myself.” Quickly, I learned how great it is to not have to worry about margins, and I’ll never go back. Such a time saver, so professional looking. Final Draft can get kind of pricey (well, 300 bucks or so…) so be sure your screenwriting gift-getter is serious before giving. And then remind them that formatting is always the easy part. (

Copies of scripts. One of the best ways to hone your skills as a screenwriter is to read scripts that have been produced. Comparing the page to the actual produced work can be an eye-opening experience. Ask your friend what movies or t.v. shows he or she might like to examine in script form and buy some for the holidays. They usually range in price from $9-20 bucks. I usually buy mine at, but the variety there for TV scripts isn’t so hot. You can find scripts in various other locations including Ebay.

Three-hole punch paper. I know what you’re thinking, if you give the gift of paper for the holidays, you’re going to look like a dummy. But trust me, nothing says “Holy cow, I finished a screenplay!” like printing it out on three hole punched paper like the “real screenwriters” do. This will encourage your beginning screenwriter friend to push forward to the end of his or her first draft. At least theoretically it will.

Brass fasteners. Remember how I just said formatting screenplays is the easiest part of screenwriting? Well, the toughest part is often finding the right, professional-standard brass fasteners to attach all those three-hole punched pages together for submission. You’d think you could just run to the local Office Max or something, wouldn’t you? Good luck with that. The fasteners to get are Acco 1 1/4 (one-and-one-quarter inch). I usually order mine from Staples online.

The Writer’s Market. This book has lists of production companies and sometimes agents, yes. But it’s more useful for it’s listings of magazine markets and other places people can sell writing. Make sure beginning screenwriters know that there’s more than one way to become a working writing, and selling to magazines, websites and other markets can help subsidize their screenwriting addiction. Beats a day job. (Available at most major book stores.)

Undying support. Trying to break into screenwriting can be roughly equated to trying to break out of Alcatraz: it can be done, but it will probably kill you. The best gift you can offer any beginning screenwriter on your gift list is the gift of your encouragement, faith, and support (though, don’t give them money- they’ll just blow it all on fasteners…) .


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