Categories: Opinion and Editorial

Top 10 September 11th Tribute Videos

There are countless 9/11 tribute videos on the web, so it was very hard to choose just 10. For this reason, there will be a second list published soon after this one. I already had a few bookmarked, but spent the last 3 days watching close to 100 more.

We’ve all seen the images in these videos, but some got tired of watching them. I believe they should be seen each and every day. Once you stop watching, you stop remembering.

Title: 9/11 Tribute (redone)

Author’s Description: I redid my 9/11 tribute video using vegas. Same song, different order of pictures, a few new pictures, and some effects. I hope you like it.

All those who suffered from this day are in our hearts.

song: “How to Save a Life (9/11 remix)” by The Fray

My Thoughts: This video contains a lot of nice affects, and the song goes nice with the mood and rhythm of the video.


Title: Heaven: 9/11 Tribute to those who were lost.

Author’s Description: A tribute to the victims and their families of the 9/11 attack. Very sad indeed.

Song: Heavin (9/11 remix)

Story behind the song:

A little girl’s(narrorator’s) father was lost in the 9/11 trdgedy. She tells you about the times they had before his death. She longs for him to just come home, to kiss her good night. She doesn’t realize, that her daddy will never come home…

This song and slideshow brought tears to my eyes. But it made me think of how many twisted people there are in this world, only focused in on killing the innocent. I feel deeply for those lost in the attack though, I know nothing of pain compared to how they’re families feel. This videomakes you want to cry, its that sad. Lets all take some time out to think and pray…

And for all those people who are famly members or relations of any sort to the victims, may god bless you and may no more pain come to you…

My Thoughts: This is the first of two videos on the my list with this song. Get the tissues before clicking the link!


Title: I Miss You Daddy – September 11th Tribute

Author’s Description: This flash cartoon is a tribute to children who lost a parent on September 11, 2001. A little girl talks to her dad who she lost that day. This one is a little sad at times but it is a great 9-11 tribute.

My Thoughts: Contains the same song as the video before, but is much different. This flash video makes the song even more real. You’ll need two boxes of tissues for this one!


Title: World Trade Center 9-11 Tribute

Author’s Description: Dedicated to the individuals who lost their lives in the World Trade Center, this video was created with music, pictures, and words enveloping the tragedy.


3 pieces of music: beginning is an edited track from the movie “gladiator.” the main song is from loreena mckennitt’s cd “the book of secrets,” the song, “dante’s prayer.” the end is an edited track from the movie “blackhawk down.

My Thoughts: This video is different from most. It focuses totally on those who were working in or visiting the World Trade Center.


Title: 9/11 Tribute

Author’s Description: Tribute to 9/11

My Thoughts: Although the images have been used in other videos, the effects and timing make this a great video.


Title: David Letterman Loves America – Personal Post 9/11 Discourse

Author’s Description: David Letterman’s Comments on 9/11

My Thoughts: I had heard just the audio of this a few years ago while looking for tribute songs, but had not found video of it until I started working on this article. You’ll never see David Letterman the same after watching this.


Title: 9/11 Tribute

Author’s Description: A memorial/tribute to the awful events of Tuesday, September 11th, 2001. Includes footage from all the attacks, as well as moving photo captures of the day. The background music is Michael Jackson’s “Earth Song”.

This is also TMG Productions follow-up to their highly popular Hurricane Katrina video tribute “We Live”.

My Thoughts: This video is a great mixture of images and video, with a great song.


Title: 9/11 Tribute

Author’s Description: I made this for a school project. It’s Dedicated to all of the people who lost their loved ones, and their lives that day.

My Thoughts: Of the 100 or so videos I watched, this is the only one I found with this song, Where Were You When The World Stopped Turning by Alan Jackson. I was quite surprised. The images matched each part of the song well.


Title: 9/11 tribute (NOT MINE)

Author’s Description: This is a tribute to 9/11 I know it is late and no it’s not mine it is made by BlueMoonCaptive.

My Thoughts: This is a simple video, but does the job. It is simply the names of those who died on September 11th scrolling in front of images from that day.


Title: The 9/11 Tribute – We Remember

Author’s Description: I decided to do one of these, so anyway hope you enjoy. I mixed in a song that i thought was suitable.

My Thoughts: When we all first started watching Titanic, we knew we were going to see a lot of people die. But, the first time it really hit was when the band started playing Closer My God To Thee on the deck. This video is done to the same version of the song, and sets the mood quite well.



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