Categories: Education

Tongue Twisters: Develop Good Diction!

Get your tongue twisted? Untwist those tongues with a totally twistable tongue twister. Learn one or more of these every morning. Say it when you can throughout each day. There are twenty six of them. After saying each of them throughout the day for twenty six days, recite them all outloud, from memory. See how many you remember. Just try it. Assign one a day to yourself.

Actors, vocalists and other speakers that need a “pick-me-up” before a business presentation, warm-up your voice before they perform or deliver! Here are some tongue twisters that you can use as a diction warm-up! Learn to speak clearly. These mouth moving exercises will work for the beginner through advanced-level vocalist. Make up your own rhythm and make the sentence work for you! You can make each sentence into “your own” little jingle. Each one could become the start of an improvised scene. You could even become inspiration to write a fantastic novel, or write a story based on one of the following warm-ups.

a. Another annoying ant ate all of Aunt Annie’s apples at Anna’s abode.
b. Ben boasted about Brenda’s baking buns.
c. Cindy carried coffee to Carla Cummings.
d. Diana danced on a date.
e. Effortlessly, Elvin even eats every berry.
f. Frank’s effort, firm and frank, was fine.
g. Grandma’s gaudy garb gave Gary gusto to get going.
h. Howard Hopkins helped hire Henrietta Henry; however, Henry Howard helped hire Harry Hinkley.
i. Irma invited India and Ingrid inside.
j. Jimmy Johnson is joyful in Jakarta.
k. Katrina kept kindness close for karmic causes.
l. Lorna, Lena and Lewis loved living in Lithgow.
m. Morning Glories morn in glory in the morning, Glory.
n. Nancy knew nice was nicer than not nice.
o. Ottawa offered Omar a/an home.
p. Patrick provided Paula with purple petunias.
q. Queenie quivered from cold, quietly, in Canada.
r. Ramifications of not readying required reading requires readers to be re-remediated as re-remedial readers.
s. Surely Sandy Somers sought sight-seeing in San Sabastian.
t. Three tasty treats were treated to Tanya in Taiwan.
u. Under an upside-down umbrella, Ulmer undoubtedly gets un-dry.
v. Vincent vengefully “va-roomed” the Viper at Violet.
w. Watch out while witches wander in winter, wondering whether the weather is a rather.
x. Exhausted, Xena zapped Xona.
y. Yabba Yebba Yibba Yobba Yubba. Yappy, yeppy, yippy, yoppy, yuppy.
z. Zanga, zenga, zinga, zonga, zunga. Zigga, zugga, zagga, zebba, zooba.

* Tip of the day – When you are warming up the voice with any of the above warm-ups, or any other vocal warm-ups for that matter, have plenty of water or other clear liquids handy. Being hydrated is easier on vocal chords, causes less strain and is simply healthier for you. Don’t drink milk! Milk coats your throat and you will not get a “pure” sound. Well that about wraps it up for my advice today.

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