Categories: Legal

Today’s Standards for Tipping: How Much Should You Give?

Tipping started in the 1920’s, when it was fashionable to pay a little extra “to insure prompt service.” This is where the term “tip” originated. Some people use the more correct term of gratuity to describe the same thing.

Tips vary by country and culture. In the United States, most restaurant employees expect to be tipped, and place a good deal of faith in the customer to be generous with their compensation. In other cultures, it may offend the person to receive a tip, so you should read up on local culture before traveling to learn the social mores of the land you are visiting.

In the United States, tips are becoming more and more pervasive. Most people are used to tipping their waiter and their bartender, but is it really necessary to tip at Starbucks? Some people will say that they deserve fair compensation for their work, just like the bartender or waiter. However, it should be noted that the average bartender or waiter is making a little less than one-third the average hourly wage of the Starbucks employee, who is being paid a very fair amount for their time at the company.

Because tips originated with the underpaid and overworked employees, it is generally social custom to see that only those workers get tipped. If you go overboard, tipping everyone, or tipping too excessively, you could easily go broke. If you do not tip anyone, don’t expect to be welcomed back with open arms. But who deserves tips, and how much do you give?

Waiters and bartenders are the most commonly tipped, and probably need the tips the most, as the average hourly wage for these individuals is less than half of the minimum wage required by law. Tip between ten and twenty percent of the bill before tax is added, according to the quality of the service. Remember to tip even if you’re just sitting and sipping water, as you are taking away a valuable table spot from the waiter, and causing him trouble by asking for the drink and refills.

In hotels, tip the bellboy who is running your bags up to your room. In general, they expect between $0.50 and $1 per bag, more if you are staying in a suite or extremely expensive hotel. You should also tip for room service and for the doorman, especially if he is providing you with extra services. The maid should receive $1.50 per night of your stay on the last night of your stay, with a letter or envelope marked “For the Maid.” Without that message, the maid could get in trouble for theft, or even lose his or her job over taking your well-earned tip money.

For taxi drivers, you should tip 15% of the bill. If you are in a city like New York, where fares are especially low, you can tip more. With gas prices as high as they are, and cab fares fixed by the city or state government, these drivers are often making very little money per trip, and the tip is necessary for them to support themselves.

You should also tip for special services like haircuts and shoeshining. For this, 15% is common. Valet attendants should also receive between $1 and $5 for retrieving your automobile. Tip them upon arrival.

In general, avoid giving less than $1, and do not tip only in spare change, as this is often seen as an insult. Do not discuss the tip with the server, and do not mention it during your service. Do not ask for change either, unless you are in a restaurant, and always remember to carry small bills if you know you will be in a tipping situation.

Karla News

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